McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare

McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare, 1945-1954


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General Overview:


The context:

Excerpt from Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States covering the period 1945-1960

Cold War Timeline

The Emergence of Communist China, 1949

"The Loss of China: The Role of Myth in American History"

The Soviet Atomic Program, 1946-1949

The U.S. Enters the Korean Conflict

The Soviets Get the Hydrogen Bomb, 1955


Laws and Trials:

Loyalty Oaths – Executive Order 9835

The McCarran Internal Security Act

The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg


In the House and the Senate:

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)


Another Perspective on McCarthyism, including the 1950 "Wheeling Speech"

The Army – McCarthy Hearings

Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney

Paul Robeson Testimony before HUAC

Pete Seeger Testimony before HUAC

“National Suicide”

Edward R. Murrow exposes Joseph McCarthy


The Effects on Education and Popular Culture:

"Communists Should Not Teach in American Colleges," by Raymond B. Allen (President of the University of Washington, Seattle), 1949

Cohn and Schine in the Libraries

Arthur Miller, "Are You Now Or Were You Ever?" from The Guardian/The Observer (on line), Saturday, June 17, 2000

Hollywood blacklisting

Charlie Chaplin and the Red Scare

“The World Was at Stake”

Hollywood blacklist, per the daughter of Bartley Crum, The New York Times, Sunday, April 20, 1997, Patricia Bosworth


The Aftermath:

McCarthyism after McCarthy

The Legacy of McCarthyism, by Ellen Schrecker

Lingering Criticism of Elia Kazan


Patriots and Defenders of America OR Destroyers of Civil Liberties:

Roy Cohn Madison Harris

J. Edgar Hoover

Elia Kazan Thomas Schmid

Sen. Joseph McCarthy Gracie Skinner

Ronald Reagan Grace Partain

Irving H. Saypol 

David Schine Camilla Stegall

President Harry S. Truman


Protectors of Civil Liberties OR Threats to the American Way of Life:

Bertolt Brecht Nick Corradino

Charlie Chaplin

Lena Horne 

Arthur Miller Caitlin Swanson

Zero Mostel

Edward R. Murrow Alyssa Venn

Milo Radulovich Hassan Johnson

Paul Robeson 

Ethel Rosenberg Katie Kilpatrick

Pete Seeger

Dalton Trumbo
