HIST 2112 Debates


Comprehensive debate topic: civil liberties in the United States:

RESOLVED: The United States is the greatest nation in the world, and its greatness must endure.  At times, it is clear that some people are out to destroy this great nation.  During such times of crisis, it is particularly imperative that all true and loyal Americans do their best to root out and destroy these forces of evil.  Unfortunately, it may be temporarily necessary to take extreme measures in order to save this nation.  We may have to deprive some people of their civil liberties in order to protect the majority, in order to protect the Constitution, and in order to protect the United States of America.

RESOLVED: The United States is the greatest nation in the world, and its greatness must endure.  At times, it is asserted that some people are out to destroy this great nation.  During such times of crisis, it is particularly imperative that all true and loyal Americans do their best to uphold the Constitution and protect the civil liberties of all Americans.  We must always have respect for all viewpoints, no matter how unpopular, and we must always defend the civil liberties of all Americans, no matter our opinion of them.  Whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice, we must never take extreme measures in order to save this nation.  To do so would be to destroy the very thing that we are fighting for, as we would be undermining the Constitution and our cherished tradition of liberty.


The American Civil Liberties Union

The United States Department of Justice

The Office of the United States Attorney General

U.S. Supreme Court Multimedia Database




ISSUE #1: The Sacco-Vanzetti Case and the First Red Scare, 1918-1927




ISSUE #2: McCarthyism and the Second Red Scare, 1945-1954


ISSUE #3: The Aftermath of September 11, 2001-?









