Daniela Tapu

Photo of Daniela TapuProfessor of Chemistry
Organic / Organometallic Chemistry
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Fax: (470) 578-9137
Lab: SL 4040

Mailing Address:
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Kennesaw State University
370 Paulding Avenue NW, MD # 1203
Kennesaw, GA 30144


More Group News

New Group Member Summer 2016: Alex Mason joined the group. Welcome!

July 2016 Jordan Buckner (spring 2016 MSCB graduate) accepted a chemist position at Johnson Matthey - pharmaceutical division in Devens, MA. Congratulations, Jordan!

May 2016 Graduation: Congratulations to Jordan Buckner (MS degree), Chance Boudreaux (BS in Chemistry), Brad Norvell (BS in Biochemistry), Aqsa Adnan (BS in Chemistry), and David Lee (BS in Biochemistry) who graduated in May. Chance will start a PhD degree at University of Alabama, while Brad will be at UGA for his PhD. Aqsa was accepted in Mercer School of Pharmacy.

May 2016 news Congratulations to Graeme Bettler for being one of the ten students accepted into the Birla Carbon Scholar program this summer.

Awards Day 2016 Graeme Bettler was the recipient the POLYED Award in Organic Chemistry. Chance Boudreaux received the Departamental Award in Organic Chemistry. Congratulations, guys!

April 2016: Congratulations to Jordan Buckner who succesfuly defended his MS thesis!

April 2015 news Reagan, Orrion, Chance, Brad, Graeme, Angelo, Ben, Pearl, Ashley, Micheal, Richard, Andre, presented at KSU symposium of students scholars. Kudos to everybody!

New Group Members Spring 2016: Reagan Hooper, Graeme Bettler, Orrion Kuykendall, and Angelo Changas (all undergraduate researchers) joined the group. Welcome!

2016 January news Pearl Jean was accepted to participate in the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) Program. This program is supported by the Department of Energy and Pearl will spend her summer working in AMES Laboratory, one of the nation's national laboratories. https://www.ameslab.gov/

New Group Members Fall 2015: Ashley Carter and Richard Justice joined the group this fall as graduate researchers. Michael Baker (undergraduate student) also joined our research group. Welcome!

May 2015: Daniela Tapu is the recipient of a National Science Foundation research award. Click here

May Graduation 2015: Congratulations to Chidi Amah, who graduated with a B.S. Degree in Biology!

2015 Awards Day Chance Boudreaux was the recipient of the Departamental Outstanding Performance in Organic Chemistry Award. Brad Norvell received the POLYED Award in Organic Chemistry. Congratulations, guys!

2015 May news Congratulations to Aqsa Adnan for being one of the ten students accepted into the Birla Carbon Scholar program this summer and Chance Boudreaux for being accepted into the REU program at The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.

April 2015 news Chance, Aqsa Adnan, Brad, Jordan, and Chidi presented at KSU symposium of students scholars. Kudos to everybody!

March 2015 news Brad Norvell participated in Georgia State University Research Symposium.Congrats!

New Group Members Spring 2015: John Kundycki, Andre Berry, and Ben Hunt joined the group this spring as undergraduate researchers.

February 2015 news Chance Boudreaux, Brad Norvell, and Jordan Buckner presented at SURC in Tuscaloosa, Al. Congratulations!

October 2014 news Chance Boudreaux, Will Medina, and Chidi Amah presented at SERMACS in Nashville, TN. Congratulations!

New Group Members Fall 2014: Jordan Buckner (graduate student), Chidi Amah (undergraduate student) and Aqsa Adnan (undergraduate student)  joined the group.

October 2014 news Congratulations to Chance Boudreaux for being inducted into The National Chemistry Honor Society, Phi Lambda Upsilon!

August 2014 news Congratulations to Will Medina for being the recipient of a National Science Foundation scholarship!

Paper Published in Chemical Communications: Daniela Tapu, Zachary McCarty, Colin McMillen "A stable Janus bis(maloNHC) and its zwitterionic coinage metal complexes" Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 4725-4728. Congrats Zach on your 2nd paper!

2014 May news Congratulations to Bradley Norvell for being one of the ten students accepted into the Birla Carbon Scholar program this summer.

2014 Awards Day David Lee was the recipient of the Merck Award and Lauren Hutchinson, former group member, was the recipient of two awards (the Outstanding Performance in Organic Chemistry Award andthe AIC Outstanding Senior in Biochemistry Award) presented during Honors Week. Congratulations!

2014 KSU Symposium of Students Scholars: Congratulations to David Lee, Bradley Norvell and Chance Boudreaux for their poster presentations at KSU symposium.

New Group Members Spring 2014: Bradley Norvell joined the group.

January 2014 OVPR grant received: Tapu received an OVPR Grant to Catalyze External Funding award ($9,250).

January 2014 Congratulations, Dr. Owens! Tapu's first research student, Clay Owens, successfully defended his PhD thesis at Emory University. He acceped a position at Solvay Specialty Polymers as a Research Scientist.

SERMACS 2013 : David Lee placed second in the Chemistry division of the undergraduate poster competition at the SERMACS meeting. David's poster was entitled, "Rhodium and iridium complexes of NHC as catalysts in hydrosylation reactions." Congratulations!

New Group Members Fall 2013: Owen McKinney and Chance Boudreaux joined the group this fall as undergraduate researchers.

Paper Published: Daniela Tapu, Zachary McCarty, Lauren Hutchinson, Chris Ghattas. Mahatab Chowdhury, John Salerno, Donald VanDerveer "A dibenz[a,c]phenazine-supported N-heterocyclic carbene and its rhodium and iridium complexes” Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014, 749 (1), 134-141". Congratulations Zach, Lauren, Chris and Mahatab on your first publication!

Graduation 2013: Congratulations to Zachary McCarty, who earned B.S. Degree (Professional Chemistry,magna cum laude) during the July commencement. He will join professor Bielawski's group at The University of Texas at Austin.

Congratulations to former group member, Jiexi Liao, for being the recipient of the Goldwater Scholarship, a national award!

Chemistry Molecular Sciences and Engineering Paper: An invited review by Daniela Tapu and A. J. Arduengo entitled, "Tri- and Dicoordinated Carbenes, and Tricoordinated Ions and Radicals Bearing Two Heteroatoms (RX2C+, RX2C, RX2C-, X2C:)" has been published online in Chemistry Molecular Sciences and Engineering Elsevier, 2013.

2013 Awards Day Zachary McCarty was the recipient of the 2013 CSM Outstanding Undergraduate Student Achievement Award. He was also the recipient of four departamental awards: the Outstanding Performance in Organic Chemistry Award, the ACS Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry, theOutstanding Performance in Physical Chemistry Award and the AIC Outstanding Senior in Biochemistry Award presented during Honors Week. Congratulations!

2012 The Betty L. Siegel Award: Daniela Tapu has been named 2012 recipient of the Betty Siegel Faculty Member of the Year Award. Each year at Homecoming, the Alumni Association presents the Betty L. Siegel Faculty Member of the Year Award in recognition of a faculty member’s outstanding display of scholarship, leadership and service, while displaying a strong commitment to his or her students, colleagues and the surrounding community.












2012 SERMACS Meeting: The Tapu group presented 2 papers at the SERMACS meeting in Raleigh, NC. Presenting authors were Zach McCarty and Lauren Hutchinson.

Graduation July 2012: Congratulations to Chris Ghattas, who graduated with B.S. Degree (Biochemistry) during the July commencement. He joined the ORISE Program at the Center of Disease Control, Atlanta.

Congratulations to Lauren Hutchinson for her succesful internship at Cook Pharmica in Summer 2012!

Graduation May 2012: Congratulations to Mahatab Chowdhury, who graduated with B.S. Degree (Biochemistry) during the May commencement. He accepted a position as Materials Analyst at Columbian Chemicals Company, Marietta, Ga

2012 Awards Day: Four group members were recognized at the awards ceremony this year. Chris Ghattas was the recipient of the 2012 CSM Outstanding Undergraduate Student Achievement Award and the Polyed Undergraduate Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry. Lauren Hutchinson and Mahatab Chowdhury were the recipients of the Merck Award in Organic Chemisty. Zachary McCarty received the ACS Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry. Congratulations!

2012 ACS National Meeting: Mahatab Chowdhury and Christopher Ghattas presented 2 posters at the 243rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Diego, CA, United States, March, 2012.