Timothy Hedeen

Timothy Hedeen Headshot

Dr. Timothy Hedeen is a Professor of Conflict Management in the School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development.

He provides mediation and facilitation services; delivers training around constructive conflict engagement, decision-making, conflict coaching, and communication; conducts research and evaluation on ombuds offices, dispute resolution systems in courts and educational contexts, and justice policy.

He serves on the editorial board of Conflict Resolution Quarterly and as a senior consultant to the National Center on Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE). He served seven years as an appointed member of the Commission on Dispute Resolution of the Georgia Supreme Court, as well as six years on the Section Council of the American Bar Association's Section of Dispute Resolution. He's a former editorial board member of Family Court Review, and a past chair of the Board of Directors of the National Association for Community Mediation, where he served two three-year terms.

Dr. Hedeen is an active member of the International Ombudsman Association, the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution, the Association for Conflict Resolution, the National Association for Community Mediation, and the American Association of University Professors. He has served as KSU's University Ombuds for five years and as the AAUP@KSU chapter president.

At KSU he serves as faculty in the Master of Science in Conflict Management program and the International Conflict Management doctoral program. He has been honored with KSU’s Distinguished Professional Service Award in recognition of his service to the the campus, the broader community, and the field of dispute resolution. He finds it mildly awkward to write about himself in the third person.

 Six strategies


Journal Articles

(many are linked at https://works.bepress.com/timothy-hedeen/)

Timothy Hedeen, Vittorio Indovina, Joanne Donner, and Claudia Stura, 2021, “Setting the Table for Mediation Success: Supporting Disputants to Arrive Prepared,” Journal of Dispute Resolution 2021(1): 65-76

Timothy Hedeen, 2017, “Ombuds as Nomads? The Intersections of Dispute System Design and Identity,” University of St. Thomas Law Journal 13(2): 233-247

Heather Pincock and Timothy Hedeen, 2016, “Where the Rubber Meets the Clouds: Anticipated Developments in Conflict and Conflict Resolution Theory,” Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution 30(3): 431-449

Timothy Hedeen, 2012, “Remodeling the Multi-door Courthouse to ‘Fit the Forum to the Folks’: How Screening and Preparation will Enhance ADR,” Marquette Law Review 95(3): 941-954

Timothy Hedeen, Susan S. Raines and Ansley Barton, 2010, “Mediation Training: A Literature Review of Adult Education & Training Design,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly 28(2): 157-182

Susan Raines, Timothy Hedeen and Ansley Boyd Barton, 2010, “Best Practices for Mediation Training and Regulation: Preliminary Findings,” Family Court Review 48(3): 541-554

Lisa Blomgren Bingham, Susan S. Raines, Timothy Hedeen and Lisa Marie Napoli, 2010, “Mediation in Employment and Creeping Legalism: Implications for Dispute System Design,” Journal of Dispute Resolution 2010(1): 129-150

Timothy Hedeen, 2009, “Challenging Conventions in Challenging Conditions: Thirty-minute Mediations at Burning Man,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly 27(1): 107-119

Timothy Hedeen, 2006, “Constructive Conflict Engagement as Leadership: Principles and Methods for Effective Resolution,” Journal of Ethics in Leadership 2(1): 7-17

Timothy Hedeen and Linda Baron, 2006, “Editor’s Introduction,” Review of Policy Research Symposium on Community Conflict Resolution and Collaborative Governance, 23(4): 813-814

Timothy Hedeen and Peter Salem, 2006, “What Should Family Lawyers Know? Results of a Survey of Practitioners and Students,” Family Court Review 44(4): 601-611

Timothy Hedeen, 2005, “Dialogue and Democracy, Community and Capacity: Lessons for Conflict Resolution Education from Montessori, Dewey, and Freire,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly 23(2): 185-202

Timothy Hedeen, 2005, “Coercion and Self-Determination in Court-Connected Mediation: All Mediations are Voluntary, But Some Mediations are More Voluntary than Others,” Justice System Journal 26(3): 273-291

Patrick G. Coy and Timothy Hedeen, 2005, “A Stage Model of Social Movement Co-optation: Community Mediation in the United States,” The Sociological Quarterly 46(3): 405-435

Timothy Hedeen, 2004, “The Evolution and Evaluation of Community Mediation: Limited Research Suggests Unlimited Promise,” Conflict Resolution Quarterly 22(1&2): 101-133

Timothy Hedeen, 2003, “The Institutionalization of Community Mediation: Can Dispute Resolution ‘of, by, for the People’ Long Endure?” Penn State Law Review 108(1): 265-276

Timothy Hedeen, 2003, “The Reverse Jigsaw: A Process of Cooperative Learning and Discussion,” Teaching Sociology 31(3): 325-332

Timothy Hedeen and Patrick G. Coy, 2000, “Community Mediation and the Court System: The Ties that Bind,” Mediation Quarterly 17(4): 351-367

Patrick G. Coy and Timothy Hedeen, 1998, “Disabilities and Mediation Readiness in Court-Referred Cases: Developing Screening Criteria and Service Networks,” Mediation Quarterly 16(2): 113-127

Book Chapters

Thomas Doleys and Timothy Hedeen, 2019, "International Negotiation" in Charity Butcher and Maia Hallward, Understanding International Conflict Management, New York: Routledge

Timothy Hedeen, 1997, “Future Progress in Dispute Resolution: Linking Practice and Academic Research” epilogue to Gleason, Sandra, editor, Workplace Dispute Resolution: Directions for the Twenty-First Century, Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press

Professional Press Articles

Timothy Hedeen and Diana Cruz, 2022, “Improving Dispute Resolution Practices for Diverse Families of Children with Disabilities,” Dispute Resolution Magazine, 28(3)

Timothy Hedeen, 2016, “Oscillating Ombuds? The Social Identity of the ‘Inside Outsider’,” IOA Independent Voice, November

Geetha Ravinda and Timothy Hedeen, 2015, “Alternative Paths to Careers in ADR,” Dispute Resolution Magazine 21(3)

Heather Pincock and Timothy Hedeen, 2014, “Examining Mediators on Ethics: Why, When, and How,” ACResolution 13(2)

Philip Moses and Timothy Hedeen, 2012, “Collaborating for our Children’s Future: Mediation of Special Education Disputes,”Dispute Resolution Magazine 18(4)

Timothy Hedeen, 2010, “The new Mediation Ethics Clearinghouse: a resource for practitioners, clients, and the future,”Dispute Resolution Magazine 17(1)

Timothy Hedeen, 2009, “Mediation as Contact Sport? Issues of Fitness and “Fit” Arising from Georgia’s Wilson v. Wilson,”Dispute Resolution Magazine 15(2)

Ansley Barton, Susan Raines and Timothy Hedeen, 2008, “Improving Mediation Training and Regulation Through Collaborative Assessment,”Dispute Resolution Magazine 14(3&4)

Timothy Hedeen and Brian Polkinghorn, 2006, “The Evolution of Community Mediation in the United States: A Continuing Process of Adaptation,” ACResolution Magazine 5(2)

Timothy Hedeen, 2003, “Ensuring Self-Determination Through Mediation Readiness: Ethical Considerations,” Americans with Disabilities Act Mediation Section, Mediation Information and Resource Center

Timothy Hedeen, 2002, “Does the Journey Change the Destination? The Influence of Referral Source on Mediation Participation and Outcomes,” The New York Mediator 20(1)

Timothy Hedeen, 2001, “Dispute Resolvers Working Together to Bridge the Gulf between Theory and Practice,” PARC News, Syracuse University’s Program on the Analysis and Resolution of Conflicts

Timothy Hedeen, 1999, “From Intake to Mediation: Where Do All the Cases Go?” The Community Mediator, Newsletter of the National Association for Community Mediation

Timothy Hedeen, 1998, “Neighborhood-Based Restorative Justice in Saint Paul, Minnesota,” NIDR News, National Institute for Dispute Resolution 5(2)

Professional References

Carole S. Houk, Mary P. Rowe, Deborah A. Katz, Neil H. Katz, Lauren Marx, and Timothy Hedeen, 2016, A Reappraisal – The Nature and Value of Ombudsmen in Federal Agencies, prepared for the Administrative Conference of the United States

Timothy Hedeen, Marshall Peter, Philip Moses, and Anita Engiles, 2013, IEP/IFSP Facilitation: Practical Insights and Programmatic Considerations, prepared for the National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education

Timothy Hedeen, Philip Moses, and Marshall Peter, 2011, Encouraging Meaningful Parent Educator Collaboration: A Review of Recent Literature, prepared for the National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education

Tina Luongo, Crystal Roland, Christopher Gowen, and Timothy Hedeen, 2011, “Comprehensive Criminal Representation: ABA Task Force Examines Broadening the Scope of Representation in a Post-Padilla World” chapter in The State of Criminal Justice 2011, American Bar Association

Timothy Hedeen and Mark Collins, 2004, “Community Mediation” chapter in ADR Handbook for Judges, Donna Stienstra and Susan Yates, editors, American Bar Association

Timothy Hedeen, 2002, Using Participant Feedback to Evaluate and Improve Quality in Mediation, prepared for the Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education

Mediation Outcomes and Impact Module, Program Evaluation Kit, 2001, Conflict Management in Higher Education Resource Center in fulfillment of a cooperative agreement with the Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education, Department of Education

Timothy Hedeen, 1998, “Community Alternative Dispute Resolution” chapter in Alternative Dispute Resolution Deskbook, Gary A. Weissman, editor, Minnesota State Bar Association


Academic programs at KSU

Master of Science in Conflict Management program

PhD in International Conflict Management program

Resources, offices

KSU Ombuds office

Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution

CADRE, the National Center on Dispute Resolution in Special Education

KSU Center for Conflict Management

KSU library



AAUP@KSU (KSU chapter of AAUP)

American Association of University Professors

American Bar Association Section on Dispute Resolution

International Ombudsman Association

National Association for Community Mediation


Research citations

Google Scholar profile

Three Questions