
EE4201 Control Systems

This is the first control course for engineering students. The following topics will be covered in the course: Basic Ideas of Feedback Control; Control System Modeling; Laplace Transform; Transfer Functions; Time Response of First-Order and Second-Order Systems; Reduction of Multiple Subsystems; Stability Analysis; Stead-State Errors; Design Via Root Locus; Frequency Response Analysis; PID Control, MATLAB/Simulink and its Control Toolbox.


MTRE4200 Robotics

This class will mainly introduce the mathematical models, trajectory planning and control of robotic manipulators for engineering students. The following topics will be covered in the course: Rigid Motions and Homogeneous Transformations, Forward and Inverse Kinematics, Velocity Kinematics and Jacobian, Path and Trajectory Planning, Independent Joint Control, and Dynamics of Industrial Robots.


MTRE3710 Mechatronics Engineering Fundamentals

This course will provide basic knowledge, tools and backgrounds for mechatronics design. In particular, it will cover the following topics: MATLAB programming (Variable, Expressions, Matrix and its Operations, MATLAB Scripts, Selection Statements, Looping, File Input/Output, 2-D and 3-D Plots, Sound and Image Processing); Pneumatic and Hydraulic Systems; Electrical and Mechanical Actuation Systems; Design of Mechatronics Systems (Mobile Robots): Kinematics, Sensors, Communication, C++ Programming, Position and Velocity Control, Obstacle Avoidance.
