Rebecca Rutherfoord

Welcome to my webpage.  On this page you will find several pieces of information.  On the left hand-side of this page you will find links to my academic degrees, courses that I routinely teach, examples of syllabi of these courses and my basic research interests.

I have been at Kennesaw State University (formerly Southern Polytechnic) since 1983.  I began in the Department of Computer Science where I served as a Professor and chair of the department twice. I created the Information Technology degrees - bachelors and masters programs.

I am currently the Department Chair for Information Technology.  We have two undergraduate degrees - Bachelor of Science in Information Technology -BSIT and the Bachelor of Applied Science in Information Technology -BASIT, and the graduate degree - Master of Science in Information Technology - MSIT.

I am located on the Marietta campus in the Atrium Building - J393.  My office phone is:  470-578-7399.

Please contact me at with any questions.

 A picture of a Koala Bear