Diana McClintock

Diana McClintock azt the Pompidou 2011

Associate Professor | Art History
PhD, Emory University
BA, Duke University

Biographical Information
Diana McClintock has a Ph.D. in Art History from Emory University (1998). Before joining the faculty at Kennesaw State University (2006) she was an Associate Professor of Art History at the Atlanta College of Art (1997-2006), and before that she taught at Emory, and at several colleges and Chapman University in Southern California. Prior to entering academia, McClintock was Curator of Education at Laguna Art Museum (Orange County, CA), and before that a museum educator at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (Barnsdall Art Park), experiences that inform her approach to Art History and Criticism today. Her focus is interdisciplinary "Engaged Scholarship," bringing her work down from its ivory tower to integrate scholarly activity with community involvement. She is also committed to providing Undergraduate Research opportunities for students, especially within Arts-related disciplines. Prof. McClintock currently serves as a National Councilor in the Arts and Humanities Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research, and on the General Council for the Georgia Undergraduate Research Collective.

McClintock's current research interests include the Cold War aesthetics of exclusion in New York City and Provincetown, MA, specifically with regard to artists of color, and the necessary expansion of recogized Art Historical methodologies to include interdisciplinary practices as well as "Arts-Based Research" in order to remain relevant in today's digital culture.  Related scholarly interests include the re-consideration of previously marginalized art, artists and artistic practices. All of her scholarship involves rethinking standard approaches to understanding art. She also reviews for Art Papers and writes for artsATL.com.