Jamie Jamison

Jamie Jamison PhotoLecturer of Information Technology

Jamie Jamison's professional and academic journey is a compelling narrative of resilience, continuous learning, and dedication to the field of Information Technology. Since stepping into the IT realm in 1998, Jamie has amassed a wealth of experience across a spectrum of roles that demonstrate her versatility and commitment to technological innovation. Starting in tech support, she quickly expanded her expertise to become a systems analyst, system administrator, web developer, and SharePoint administrator and developer, among other positions. These roles have not only honed her technical skills but also underscored her ability to adapt and excel in the ever-evolving IT landscape.

In parallel with her professional pursuits, Jamie embarked on an ambitious academic path. After overcoming early setbacks, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems from DeVry University in 2002, followed by a Master's in Information Systems in 2007. Her academic journey reached a pinnacle in May 2024, when she will graduate with a Doctorate in Information Technology from Kennesaw State University. This academic achievement reflects her deep-seated passion for IT and her commitment to contributing to the field through education and research.

Beyond her technical and academic accomplishments, Jamie has been an inspiring educator and mentor. Since 2013, she has imparted her knowledge and experience in higher education, where she not only teaches but also motivates her students to embrace the challenges and opportunities in the field of IT. Jamie's story is not just about personal success; it's about inspiring others to pursue their passions, overcome obstacles, and continuously learn and grow in their professional lives.

Jamie Jamison's career trajectory from tech support to an esteemed educator and doctorate recipient showcases her remarkable resilience, expertise, and passion for the IT field. Her journey serves as an inspiration to both aspiring and established IT professionals, illustrating that with determination and a commitment to lifelong learning, one can navigate the complexities of the IT world and make a significant impact.


