Current Research Grants
1. NSF CCLI grant award 0837235(03/2009-03/2011):
Collaborative Research Principle Investigator: APOGEE system (Automatic PrOject Grading and instant fEEdback system for Web programming)
2. NSF CCLI grant award #0942097(03/2010-02/2012, extended to 02/2013)
Principal Investigator: Collaborative Research: Portable, Modular, Modern Technology
Infused Courseware for Broader Embedded Systems Education
Past grants:
1. Co-investigator, state grant from University System of Georgia, 07/99- 06/2000.
2. Co-investigator, Enhancement of Teaching Methods Course in P-5 Math Classrooms,
working on CGI Internet programming, USG, 07/98-06/99
3. Co-investigator, Packaging and Deployment of Interactive and Wireless WWW Course
for Physical Science, working on JAVA applets, USG, 07/97-06/98
4. Co-investigator, Interactive and Wireless WWW Course for Physical Science, working
on JAVA applets, USG, 07/96-06/97
5. Principal Investigator GSW web server development, Georgia Southwestern State
University, 06/95-09/95
6. Co-researcher, AFOSR grant AFOSR-90-0046, working on pattern recognition, 08/89-07/90