Michael Carroll

Michael Carroll is a tenured associate professor at Kennesaw State University in Marietta (Atlanta), Georgia. Prior to this appointment he was an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University. He is a registered Canadian architect. He is a founding partner of atelier BUILD, a design/build firm based in Montreal. Atelier BUILD was awarded the Canadian Professional Prix de Rome of Architecture in 2004. 
Michael Carroll is the founder and director of MAT_LAB at Kennesaw State University, a materials library, lab and exhibition space. His research focuses on materiality in contemporary architecture with a focus of  material expressions of under-represented communities.

As Principle Investigator (PI) he is the architectural designer of the KSU Mini-Pavilion at the Cobb County Safety Pavilion. Together with Dr. Billy Kihei (Co-PI 1) they lead the charge to constuct the pavilion and use it as a site for off-campus research as well as a 'classroom' to instruct elementary students on the interconnection between safety and sustainability.