Michelle Devereaux

  Headshot, Michelle Devereaux

Dr. Michelle D. Devereaux has taught English Education for almost twenty years as both a secondary English teacher and a university professor. Her teaching and scholarship focus on language studies in the secondary English classroom, highlighting how linguistic and sociolinguistic concepts can be integrated into existing curricula. 

She has written books on rhetorical grammar in the classroom and edited collections about teaching linguistic diversity in the secondary English Language Arts classroom. She is a Fulbright Scholar who taught in the Czech Republic in the 2018 – 2019 academic year. During her time abroad, she became interested in Global Englishes and has recently published on global English variation in the classroom.

She is currently the Director of English Education at Kennesaw State University.

Books and Edited Collections:

Grammar to Get Things Done: Daily Lessons for Teaching Grammar in Context (Routledge and NCTE, 2017, co-author Darren Crovitz)

More Grammar to Get Things Done: A Practical Guide for Teachers Anchored in Real-World Usage (Routledge and NCTE, 2020, co-author Darren Crovitz)

Next Level Grammar for a Digital Age (Routledge and NCTE, 2022, co-author Darren Crovitz and Clarice Moran)

Teaching About Dialect Variation and Language in Secondary English Classrooms: Power, Prestige, and Prejudice (Routledge, 2015)

Teaching English Language Variation in the Global Classroom: Models and Lessons from Around the World (Routledge, 2021, co-editor Chris C. Palmer)

Teaching Language Variation in the Classroom: Strategies and Models from Teachers and Linguists (Routledge, 2019, co-editor Chris C. Palmer)

Other Recent Publications:

"Using Memes to Teach Linguistic Concepts in the ELA Classroom" In How Do You Meme? Critical Memetic Literacies in English Education. Darren Crovitz and Leah Panther (Eds.). Routledge. Forthcoming. (co-author Chris C. Palmer)

"Motivations and Frameworks for Pandialectal Learning." American Speech. Spring 2021: 235-252. (co-authors, Chris C. Palmer and Victoria Thompson)

Classes Regularly Taught:

LING 3025: Linguistics for Education

ENGL 3310: Principles of Writing Instruction

ENGL 7731: Language Studies in English

