Biology 5380 Syllabus

Nothing in Biology makes sense except in the light of evolution - Th. Dobzhansky (1973)

Fall 2009

Instructor: Dr. Ron Matson
Lecture Room: CL 1008
Office: SC 310
Lecture Time: MW 2:00 - 3:15 pm
Office Hours: M 11:00 - 12:00
Office Phone: 770.423.6508
W 3:30 - 4:30
Others by Appointment
Biology Education Coordinator:
Dr. Michael Dias;


M 17 AUG.
Preface, 1*, 13*
W 19 AUG
Historical Aspects
M 24 AUG
Historical Aspects
2*, 3*
W 26 AUG
M 31 AUG
W 02 SEP
5; 15 (in part);
M 07 SEP
W 09 SEP
Population Genetics
5, 6, 15
M 14 SEP
Population Genetics
W 16 SEP
Population Genetics
M 21 SEP
Population Genetics
W 23 SEP
Population Genetics
M 28 SEP
Population Genetics
7; 8 (in part)
W 20 SEP
Population Genetics
7; 8, 15 (in part)
M 05 OCT
Exam I
W 07 OCT
3; 6, 8 (in part)
M 12 OCT
6, 9 (in part),
W 14 OCT
M 19 OCT
10, 11 (in part)
W 21 OCT
10, 11,12 ,14, 15 (parts of each)
M 26 OCT
Species and Speciation
W 28 OCT
Species and Speciation
M 02 NOV
Species & Speciation
W 04 NOV
Species & Speciation
16, 17 (in part)
M 09 NOV
Exam II
W 11 NOV
M 16 NOV
W 18 NOV
M 23 NOV
Biodiversity/Cambrian Explosion
M 20 NOV
W 02 DEC
W 09 DEC.
2:00 - 4:00 p m

1 Freeman, S and J. C. Herron. 2007. Evolutionary Analysis, 4th Ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

*Read this entire chapter. Any material in it is fair game for the exams even if I do not lecture about it.


BIOL 5380. Evolutionary Biology. 3-0-3. Prerequisite: BIOL 3300. Principles of evolutionary biology including discussions of natural selection, adaptation, population genetics, speciation, and phylogeny reconstruction. The applications of evolutionary biology to areas such as conservation biology, medicine, and agriculture are discussed.


This is a course in evolution and systematics. The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with major concepts of evolution and systematics and, simultaneously, to provide you with some insights as to what science is, how scientists work and how evolutionary biology can and does have an impact on your life (e.g., applications to conservation biology, agriculture, medicine). You will gain an appreciation for the basic principles of evolutionary biology, be provided with information about evolutionary mechanisms and will gain a perspective on recent research. In order to accomplish this, a variety of topics will be discussed including, but not limited to, population genetics, biodiversity, and schools of systematics. You will also learn the vocabulary of evolutionary biology. This will allow you to more fully understand issues with which you will be confronted and to more effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas about these issues. This course is for Biology/Science majors. You must have completed the two introductory biology courses plus one upper-level course in genetics as prerequisites. If you do not have these prerequisites, drop this course.

Please be aware that this syllabus is tentative. There is so much to talk about in such a course and not everything can be covered. If we decided to spend more time on a topic of interest at the expense of another, so be it!. Furthermore, dates and total points are subject to change if there are circumstances, deemed by me, to be extenuating. You will be given verbal notification of any changes in class and/or it will be posted on the course web site.


By the end of this course, you should:

1) Understand the centrality of evolutionary theory to all of biology.

2) Explain the impact of gene distribution in populations on evolution, adaptation, natural selection and speciation.

3) Be able to manipulate allele frequencies using Hardy-Weinberg.

4) Demonstrate the importance and usefulness of evolutionary theory in practical or applied applications.

5) Rely exclusively on empirical data when dealing with science issues.

More specific objectives include:

1) The Pattern of Evolution: Students will recognize the central role of evolution to many disciplines of biology. Students will

a)      recognize evidence of common ancestry and
b)      identify evidence of change through time
2)      Natural Selection: Students will
a)      construct the components of natural selection
b)      explain change through time using the theory of natural selection.
3)      Evolutionary Trees: Students will
a)      recognize a phylogenetic tree as a graphical summary of species evolution
b)      identify monophyletic and polyphyletic groups
c)      explain how data is used to construct a phylogenetic tree
4)      Mutation and Genetic Variation: Students will
a)      identify where new alleles genes come from
b)      explain the significance of genetic variation in natural populations.
5)      Mechanisms of Evolutionary Change: Students will
a)      calculate allele frequencies and genotype frequencies
b)      manipulate allele frequencies in order to determine Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for a population
c)      recognize the role of selection, mutation, migration, genetic drift and nonrandom mating as mechanisms of evolution
d)     calculate heritability of traits and predict evolutionary response to selection
6)      Adaptation: Students will
a)      identify how adaptation is studied in evolutionary biology
b)      recognize phenotypic plasticity, trade-offs and evolutionary constraints.
c)      explain how selection can act at different biological levels of organization.
7)      Evolution and Human Health: Students will
a)      explain mechanisms of pathogen evolution
b)      identify the usefulness of evolutionary theory in practical or applied application
8)      Speciation: Students will
a)      define a species using different species concepts.
b)      explain mechanisms of genetic isolation and divergence
9)      Radiations and Extinctions: Students will
a)      recognize the nature of the fossil record
b)      recognize macroevolutionary patterns present in the fossil record
c)      explain the significance of the Cambrian Explosion
d)      define mass extinctions
11)   Development and Evolution: Students will:
a)      define homeotic genes
b)      recognize the central role homeotic genes play in the organization and diversification of animal and plant body plans


Attendance: Class attendance is highly encouraged. Much of the material for the lecture exams will be taken from the lecture and so it is in your own interest to attend each lecture. If you miss a lecture, it is your responsibility to obtain lecture notes from a classmate; my notes will not be made available to students. If, for any reason, you miss one week or more of lecture you should strongly consider withdrawing from the course. Please arrive before the beginning of lecture so as not to disturb your fellow students. You are encouraged to ask questions during lecture. Make certain to obtain any handouts and assignments as well. I will have extra copies in my office but generally do not bring them to subsequent lectures.

Turn all cell phones and pagers off. It is expected that laptops (including "I-phones") are to be used only for taking notes during class (not surfing the web, Facebook etc.). Only "stand-alone" calculators (not cell phone, laptops, PDAs or other electronic devices with built-in calculators) can be used on exams. DO NOT bring other people (friends, spouses, children etc.) to lectures. Only people enrolled in the class are allowed in the classroom.

Examinations and Grades: There are two examinations scheduled during the semester along with a final exam. Each exam will cover the material covered in the lectures and readings (with emphasis being placed on the lectures). While I generally consider the textbook to be a supplement to the lectures, make certain to read all of the chapters, especially those marked with an asterisk, in the tentative schedule. I may refer to any material from these chapters on an exam even if I did not explicitly cover that material in lecture (that is, I assume you are reading the textbook and can recognize specific examples and concepts from those chapters).Also notice that there are two "Required Readings" listed above. You need to read these articles and be prepared to answer questions about them on the exams. The final exam will cover material since the last lecture exam and will also cover material covered since the beginning of the course (i.e., it will be comprehensive). Exams will primarily be of the multiple choice format although other types of question may appear (including "math problems" or short answer). For short answer questions, you are expected to answer each question clearly, concisely and logically, using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. You must take all exams on the date offered unless you provide an excuse deemed by me to be satisfactory (e.g., make arrangements in advance, provide a note from a physician, a police report, etc.). If an acceptable excuse is provided, then a make-up exam will be provided (which may be different/more difficult than the original exam; e.g., an all essay exam). You must take the make up exam within two days of returning to class. Failure to do so will result in the assignment of a 0 (zero) for that grade. A missed exam CANNOT be made up at the end of the semester nor is a missed exam grounds for receiving the grade I (incomplete). If you miss an exam without an acceptable excuse, you will receive the grade of 0 (zero) for that exam. You must take the final exam to receive credit for this course. Tentative exam dates are given on the course schedule -- please mark your calendars. If an exam has to be canceled because of inclement weather (i.e., if the entire university is closed) it will be given during the next scheduled class period. If there are multiple days of inclement weather, I may decide to eliminate an exam and adjust the total points accordingly. If I decide to change the point totals for the course, you will be notified verbally and/or via the course web site. If you receive 50% or less of the points on the first exam, please talk to me. Such a score indicates that you are having trouble in this class and you may need to consider withdrawing.

Furthermore, in BIOL 5380, you are deepening your science knowledge for teaching. As graduate students in the MAT program, you will be given an assignment in which you will demonstrate (via written lesson plans) how you will apply knowledge developed in this course to your teaching practice. This "Instructional Design Project" requires you to draw upon your professor’s expertise and your growing understanding to design instruction that will support learning for adolescents in your middle school life science or high school biology class. This project will be graded by one of the Science Education faculty within the department and the points received on this projects will be incorporated into your BIOL 5380 grade as described below. For this semester, you will meet with Dr. Michael Dias. See syllabus above for required meeting times/due dates. It is your responsibility to make all necessary appointments to talk with Dr. Dias. You must see him during the first two weeks of class, during the week of the first midterm exam and as necessary to discuss your Instructional Design Project. See below for details about the required Instructional Design Project.

The grading procedure for this course is as follows:

Exam I
120 pts
Exam II
150 pts
Instructional Design Project
50 pts
Final Exam
150 pts
470 pts

There will be no"extra credit"of any kind given. Your final course grade will be based on the following point distribution: A = 470 - 423 points; B = 422-376 points; C = 375-329 points; D = 328-282 points; F = < 281 points. The final grading scale may be adjusted at the discretion of the instructor. You can calculate your percentage (and hence figure your grade) at any given time by dividing the number of points you have earned by the number available at that time and then multiplying by 100. If you have any questions about the grading of an exam, explain your position IN WRITING immediately after receiving the graded exam. Return the exam with your written explanation before leaving the class. No exam will be re-graded after you take it from class. If I decide to re-grade an exam, the entire exam will be re-graded, not just a specific part. Grades can go up, down or remain the same upon being re-graded. Exams will not be re-graded at the end of the semester. Any material not picked-up by the end of the semester will be discarded within 60 days of the end of the semester. If there are multiple days of inclement weather and/or other extenuating circumstances, I reserve the right to modify the point totals for this course.

GRADES WILL NOT BE POSTED at the end of the semester. Check BANNER for your grades..

Academic Honesty: Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University's policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an "informal" resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct's minimum one semester suspension requirement.

You are expected to follow the regulations as stated on page 243 of the 2009 - 2010 Kennesaw State University Graduate Catalog. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes copying papers and not providing proper literature citations. Any violations of the Student Conduct Regulations will be handled through the University Court.

Withdrawal Policy: The withdrawal policy as stated on page 29 of the 2009-2010 Kennesaw State University Graduate Catalog will be followed; see also the current schedule of classes. For this semester, the last day to withdraw without academic penalty is 12 OCTOBER 2009 . Make certain to follow all procedures if you decide to withdraw; failure to do so will result in your being assigned a grade of  "F" for the course. Please note the new withdrawal policy that was effective Fall 2004.

Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability or medical condition needing academic accommodations of class-related activities or schedules must contact the instructor immediately. Written verification from the KSU disAbled Student Support Services is required. No requirements exist that accommodations be made prior to completion of this approved University documentation. All discussions will remain confidential.

Recycling Policy: REDUCE WASTE AND RECYCLE. If possible, please use (purchase) recycled goods. On campus, recycling bins can be found in bins found in in various places. . Please do not mix waste with the materials to be recycled. It's your planet, your campus, your health and well-being and your economy -- help them all by recycling. See page 284 of the current catalog for the KSU Position Statement on Environmental Awareness.

URL: Copies of this syllabus, along with other material relevant to this course, can be found on the course Homepage. The URL for the course Homepage is:

Click here to find web sites related to this course. You will be required to utilize this web site to obtain some course materials. See me if you have any trouble accessing this or any other web site. There are computers available for your use in the atrium of the Science Building, and in computer labs in the Science Building, Burruss Building, and the Student Center as well as at other locations on campus.

Office  Hours: My office hours are listed on the first  page of this syllabus. I encourage you to avail yourself of them. If you cannot make it to any of these scheduled hours, please make an appointment. I'm certain that we can find a mutually acceptable time to meet. Furthermore, note that my e-mail address is on the top of the first page. Feel free to e-mail me. I will respond as soon as possible.

Your continued presence in this course signifies your acceptance of the policies and procedures outlined in this syllabus.

Instructional Design Project for M.A.T. Biology Candidates

In BIOL 5380, Evolutionary Biology, you are deepening your science knowledge for teaching. In this assignment you will demonstrate (via written lesson plans) how you will apply knowledge developed in this course to your teaching practice. Keep in mind that as a student in this upper-level biology course, your biology professor can offer considerable expertise in the sub-discipline of biology represented by this course. This project requires you to draw upon your professor’s expertise and your growing understanding to design instruction that will support learning for adolescents in your middle school life science or high school biology class.
Our basic steps are as follows:

  1. Review the learning outcomes from the KSU BIOL course as well as the content standards for high school biology (GPS).
  2.  Identify a set of lessons (or unit of instruction) in middle school life science or high school biology for which the material in the KSU BIOL course is closely aligned, then write a complete list of learning outcomes (instructional objectives) for this unit.
  3.  Identify three objectives for which you will apply understandings generated in the KSU BIOL course to your teaching. Be careful to pick objectives that allow you demonstrate that your biology knowledge has been deepened by your interactions with the professor and course experiences.
  4. For each objective write a general lesson planning statement that summarizes activities and assessments that you will direct. (What are you doing as the teacher? What are the kids going to do to learn this stuff? What types of assessment activities and instruments will you use?)
  5. Write out how you will explain the concepts represented by these objectives to your adolescent learners. Include questions you will ask and common misconceptions that students might have and what you will say and have them do to form better understandings.    

BIOL 5380  Instructional Design Project
(50 points)

Total Score:  / 49 + 1 = 

Needs Improvement

0-3 points
Meets Criteria

4 points
Exceeds Criteria

5  points
Identify topic of instructional unit, then write 10 to 15  biology learning outcomes that  correspond to biological State Content Standards (GPS).

One or more aspect of “meets criteria” is missing.
Unit topic identified and 10-15 biology objectives written in measurable terms and aligned with biological GPS.

____x 1 =
General lesson planning statement for Objective 1: Define the term theory.
Web resources are all from reputable sources and are of adequate depth to get kids thinking about their assigned theory. Excellent job of providing an example for students (Acoustic Theory). Great job of directing students to present/explain their theory to their peers, describing the theory as an explanatory statement.
Student and teacher activity congruent with instructional objective 1, and assessment procedure adequately explained.
Previous criteria, plus Characteristics of Science standards integrated with content standards or activity requires student autonomy.

____x 1 =

Concept explanation for Objective 1.

One or more aspect of “meets criteria” is missing.
Concept explanation accurate and generally age-appropriate;  includes questions and common misconceptions
Previous criteria, plus discuss how you will respond to common misconceptions to help students form better understanding.

____x 2 =

General lesson planning statement for Objective 2:
Relate natural selection to changes in organisms.
Great job of writing up three selection scenarios, in a form that seems accessible to most adolescents. I like the idea of having them work in groups and relate the scenario to shifts in the distribution of types within the population.
Student and teacher activity congruent with instructional objective 2, and assessment procedure adequately explained.
Previous criteria, plus Characteristics of Science standards integrated with content standards or activity requires student autonomy.

____x 1 =

Concept explanation for Objective 2.

One or more aspect of “meets criteria” is missing.
Concept explanation accurate and generally age-appropriate;  includes questions and common misconceptions
Previous criteria, plus discuss how you will respond to common misconceptions to help students form better understanding.

____x 2 =

General lesson planning statement for Objective 3:
framed as Essential Question – How do we explain the phenotypic differences between males and females of the same species in terms of natural selection?

Student and teacher activity congruent with instructional objective 3, and assessment procedure adequately explained.
Previous criteria, plus Characteristics of Science standards integrated with content standards or activity requires student autonomy.

____x 1 =

Concept explanation for Objective 3.

One or more aspect of “meets criteria” is missing.
Concept explanation accurate and generally age-appropriate;  includes questions and common misconceptions
Previous criteria, plus discuss how you will respond to common misconceptions to help students form better understanding.

____x 2 =

Evolution – List of Objectives

1.  Identify evidence of change through time and evidence of common   ancestry.
2.  Define population, gene pool, allele frequency and genetic equilibrium.
3.  Recognize macroevolutionary patterns present in the fossil record.
4.  Explain the theory of evolution by natural selection.
5.  Explain the factors which disrupt genetic equilibrium:  mutation, migration, genetic drift, natural selection, mate selection.
6.  State the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle.
7.  Recognize the role of selection, mutation, migration, genetic drift and nonrandom mating as mechanisms of evolution.
8.  Define species.
9.  Explain mechanisms of genetic isolation and divergence.
10.  Explain mechanisms of pathogen evolution.
11.  Define the term theory.
12.  Explain how a new species can form by sympatric or allopatric speciation.
13.  Explain directional selection, stabilizing selection and disruptive selection.
14.  Explain convergent evolution and adaptive radiation.

Part I: “Evolution is just a theory, right?”

The Nature of Science
SCSh7.  Students analyze how scientific knowledge is developed.
Students recognize that:
a.  The universe is a vast single system in which the basic principles are the same everywhere.
b.  Universal principles are discovered through observation and experimental verification.
c.  From time to time, major shifts occur in the scientific view of how the world
works.  More often, however, the changes that take place in the body of
scientific knowledge are small modifications of prior knowledge.  Major
shifts in scientific views typically occur after the observation of a new phenomenon or an insightful interpretation of existing data by an individual or research group.
e.  Testing, revising, and occasionally rejecting new and old theories never ends.

LESSON OBJECTIVE:  Define the term theory. 
This lesson addresses the misconception of what a theory is.  It is appropriate for a 9th grade, on-level or honors, Biology class.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION:  What is the meaning of scientific theory?
Blue = What Teacher Will Do
Orange = What Stu
I.  Class Discussion:  Let’s discuss what “a theory” means.
What is a theory?
Students might respond that it’s a hypothesis, an unproven idea, a guess, a careless idea that’s probably wrong anyway, not a fact.
II.  Activity:
1.  Students form groups of three.  Each group is assigned one of the following scientific theories (each theory assigned twice to accommodate a class of 24 students): 
a. Cell Theory: (
b. Germ Theory:
c. Aomic Theory:'s.htm
d. Plate Tectonics:
2. Provide an example of a scientific theory for students: 
TitleAcoustic (Sound) Theory
Statement: The Theory of Acoustics explains that sound is a wave which is
created by vibrating objects and propagated through a medium from one location to another.

1. We encounter waves in Math class in the form of the sine and cosine function. We often plot y = B•sine(A•x) on our calculator or by hand and observed that its graphical shape resembles the characteristic shape of a wave. There is a crest and a trough and a repeating pattern. Change the constant A in the equation, notice that would change the length of the repeating pattern. Change B in the equation, noticed that would change the height of the pattern. In math class, we encounter the underlying mathematical functions which describe the physical nature of waves.
2. We are familiar with microwaves and visible light waves. While we have never seen them, we believe that they exist because we have witnessed how they carry energy from one location to another. And similarly, we are familiar with radio waves and sound waves. Like microwaves, we have never seen them. Yet, we believe they exist because we have witnessed the signals which they carry from one location to another and we have even learned how to tune into those signals through use of our ears or a tuner on a television or radio. Waves carry energy from one location to another. And if the frequency of those waves can be changed, then we can also carry a complex signal which is capable of transmitting an idea or thought from one location to another.
3. A wave transports energy along a medium without transporting matter. To demonstrate, a pulse or a wave is introduced into a slinky when a person holds the first coil and gives it a back-and-forth motion. This creates a disturbance within the medium; this disturbance subsequently travels from coil to coil, transporting energy as it moves. The energy is imparted to the medium by the person as he/she does work upon the first coil to give it kinetic energy. This energy is transferred from coil to coil until it arrives at the end of the slinky. If you were holding the opposite end of the slinky, then you would feel the energy as it reaches your end.


3.  Using the websites referenced above, students will research information on the
assigned theory and will create a poster using the following format:

Statement:  The Theory of ________________________ explains
(Students should state the theory as an explanation.)
Predicted Theory Statements:
a.  The Cell Theory explains that cells are the basic unit of life.  New cells arise from other existing cells by cell division.

b.  The Germ Theory explains that microorganisms are the cause of disease.

c.  The Atomic Theory explains the nature of matter; matter is composed of discrete units called atoms.

d.  The Theory of Plate Tectonics explains that Earth’s outer layer is made up of
plates which are constantly moving.  The theory explains how and why mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes exist, as well as how, long ago, similar animals could have lived at the same time on what are now widely separated continents.

Evidence:  (Students will provide three bullet items as evidence for the theory.)

Predicted items of evidence:

a.  Cell Theory
- Robert Hooke discovered cells in a piece of cork.  Was able to observe them under a microscope (1655).
- Leeuwenhoek observed protozoa and bacteria (1674, 1683).
- Brown discovered the nucleus (1833).
- DNA was first isolated by Miescher (1869).

b.  Germ Theory
- Leeuwenhoek was the first to make and use lenses to observe individual, living microorganisms.
- Pasteur definitively demonstrated that microorganisms are present in air but are not created by air.
- Pasteur played key roles in the discovery and development of vaccines such as the rabies vaccine.
- Demonstrated that hand washing prevented the spread of childbirth fever.

c.  Atomic Theory
- Ancient Greek philosophers talked about atoms.  Dalton's theory was different in that it had the weight of careful chemical measurements behind it. It wasn't just a philosophical statement that there are atoms because there must be atoms. His atomic theory stated that elements consist of tiny particles called atoms. He said that the reason an element is pure is because all atoms of an element are identical.  In particular, they have the same mass. The reason elements differ from one another is that they have different masses. Compounds consisting of atoms of different elements combine together. Compounds are pure substances (they cannot be separated into elements by phase changes). Compounds have constant composition because they contain a fixed ratio of atoms and each atom has its own characteristic weight, thus fixing the weight ratio of one element to the other. In addition, Dalton said chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms.
d.  Theory of Plate Tectonics
- The Earth's surface is broken into a number of shifting slabs or plates, averaging about 50 miles in thickness. These plates move relative to one another above a hotter, deeper, more mobile zone at average rates as great as a few inches per year. This is measurable. 
- Most of the world's active volcanoes are located along or near the boundaries between shifting plates. However, some active volcanoes are not associated with plate boundaries, and many of these so-called "intra-plate" volcanoes form rough linear chains in the interior of some oceanic plates.
- The Hawaiian Islands provide the best example of an "intra-plate" volcanic chain, developed by the northwest-movingPacific Plate passing over an inferred hot spot that initiates the magma-generation and volcano-formation process. The peripheral areas of the Pacific Ocean Basin, containing the boundaries of several plates are dotted by many active volcanoes that form the Ring of Fire. The "Ring" provides excellent examples of "plate-boundary" volcanoes, includingMount St. Helens.
Reference:  Provide website address from which the information came.
4.  Students will present their posters to the class.  Assessment will be based on a
Simple 10 point rubric.

III.  Closing Class Discussion:

Now, since doing this activity, let’s define “a theory”.
Students will provide various answers. 
We will conclude by watching the following video clip which emphasizes the following statement:  (

“Theories are the heart of science.  They pull together observations, laws, hypotheses, and inferences to explain mysteries, or that which we cannot directly observe. 
These theories are supported by a large body of observable evidence.  These theories help us to make inferences to make sense of the natural world in which we live.  Until new evidence is found to discredit the theory, the theory stands as truth.”

Part II: Modes of Natural Selection

GPS:  Characteristics of Science Standards
SCSh3.  Students will identify and investigate problems scientifically.
d.  Graphically compare and analyze data points and/or summary statistics.
e.  Develop reasonable conclusions based on data collected.
Content Standards
SB5. Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution.
d.  Relate natural selection to changes in organisms.
LESSON OBJECTIVE:  This lesson demonstrates the role of selection as a mechanism of evolution by addressing the three modes of natural selection – directional selection, stabilizing selection, and disruptive selection.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION:  What are the three modes and mechanisms for selection?
I.  Class Activity: 
Divide students into groups of three.  Each group will read one of three scenarios and choose a mode of selection for the example.  Students will provide “before” and “after” bell shaped curves (data will be provided so that students may plot bell-shaped curves) and explain the mechanism acting on the population to the class.

Scenario #1:
Finches on Daphne Major (a Galapagos Island) eat seeds from a variety of plants.  The seeds range from small and soft to large and hard.  The small, soft seeds, easy to crack, are the birds’ favorite.  In 1977, the finches suffered a terrible drought.
Instead of the normal 130 mm of rainfall during the wet season, the island got only 24 mm.  The plants made few flowers and few seeds.  The finches ate the small, soft seeds first, and when they were gone, ate the large, hard fruits of an annual plant.  Only large birds with deep, narrow beaks can crack and eat this fruit successfully.  The rest of the finches were left to turn over rocks and scratch soil in search of the few remaining smaller seeds.  Over the course of 20 months, 84% of a particular species of finches died of starvation.  The decline in population size was simultaneous with a decline in the availability of the seeds the birds depend on for food.  Plot the following data recorded in 1976 (before the drought) and a separate graph for data recorded in 1978 (after the drought) and determine the mode of selection that acted on the finches. NOTE:  Number of finches and beak depth data would be provided to students here.  Students should identify the mode of selection as DIRECTIONAL.
Scenario #2:
Female Eurosta flies inject an egg into a bud of the tall goldenrod.  After hatching, the fly larva digs into the stem and induces the plant to form a protective gall.  As it develops inside its gall, the larva may fall victim to two kinds of predators.  First, a female parasitoid wasp may inject her egg into the gall, where the wasp larva will eat the fly larva.  Second, a bird may spot the gall and break it open, again to eat the larval fly.  Researchers discovered that the parasitoid wasps favor larger galls and that the birds favor smaller galls.  Determine the mode of selection acting on galls created by the fly larvae.  NOTE:  Students will be provided data to allow them to plot the distribution of gall sizes before and after selection by parasitoids and birds.  Students should identify the mode of selection as STABILIZING.
Scenario #3:
Thomas Bates Smith (1993) studied an African finch called the black-bellied seedcracker.  Birds in this species exhibit two distinct beak sizes:  large and small.  The birds in the two groups specialize on different kinds of seeds.  Bates Smith followed the fate of over 200 juvenile birds.  The following data provides the distribution of beak sizes among all juveniles and among juveniles that survived to adulthood.  Graph the data to reveal the mode of selection acting on the black-bellied seedcrackers.  NOTE:  Students will be provided data for numbers of birds that displayed varying bill widths andlengths.  Students should determine that the survivors were those individuals with bills that were either relatively large or relatively small.  Students should determine the mode as DISRUPTIVE.
Freeman, S., & Herron, J.C. (2007). Evolutionary analysis (4th ed.). San Francisco:
Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

Part III: Sexual Selection

GPS:  (Content Standard)
SB5.  Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution.
d.  Relate natural selection to changes in organisms.

LESSON OBJECTIVE:  This lesson addresses the differences between the sexes that exist in same species organisms and how natural selection selects for those differences.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION:  How do we explain the phenotypic differences between males and females of the same species in terms of natural selection?
I.  Class Discussion:  Observe the pictures of the male vs. female widow birds (below).  What’s the major difference between them?  (Tail length)
Try to imagine how we might use evolution by natural selection to explain the tail streamers in male long-tailed widow birds.  If natural selection is telling us that long tail feathers improve the survival of a widow bird, then why do only males have them? 
Allow students time to collaborate and discuss this and the following questions, then have them share their ideas with the whole class.
What two problems might arise from sporting such an enormously long tail? 
1.  Long tail feathers probably make male widow birds easier for predators to find and catch.
2.  Long tail feathers require considerable energy to grow, maintain, and drag around.
Energy spent on feathers is energy that cannot be spent on making offspring.  It appears that the theory of evolution by natural selection can explain neither why male and female widow birds are different nor why the birds’ most striking trait, long tail feathers, exists at all.
What is the possible solution to these problems?
Female choice = sexual selection
Charles Darwin realized that individuals vary not only in their success at surviving and reproducing, but also in their success at persuading members of the opposite sex to mate. 
Darwin applied the label natural selection to differential reproductive success due to variation among individuals in survival and reproduction.  Differential reproductive success due to variation among individuals in success at getting mates he called sexual selection.
II.  Class Activities:  (I found class activities at the following website)







Male Widowbird






Female Widowbird
