

My primary research interests includes the fundamental and technologically relevant properties of non-centrosymmetric topological magnetic materials. In particular my research focuses on two aspects of non centrosymmetric (materials that lack center of inversion in their crystal structure) materials. Those two aspects are (i) Topological properties (ii) Functional properties.

Research Methods

The research method includes (i) material synthesis (single crystals, polycrystals) using high temperature solid state reaction (ii) x-ray diffraction,thermal analysis, elemental analysis (iii) electrical and magnetic properties measurements as a function of temperture and magnetic fields(iv) neutron scattering measurements. Some measurements will be carried out using facilities in national laboratories and nearby research universities by internal collaboration or through user proposal.

I have a material synthesis laboratory with high temperature furnaces and fume hoods with the capability of performing temperature dependent electrical properties measurements.

 Laboratory space/equipments (current list) (Marietta Campus Building E Room 220)

 [Equipments List]
