Tien Yee

Dr. Yee is an Assistant Professor for the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering at Kennesaw State University. Dr. Yee joined the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering in Fall 2013. Prior to joining the department, Dr. Yee had several years of civil engineering experience.

Dr. Yee specializes in the area of Water Resources. His research background involves numerical modeling of fluid flows. Dr. Yee is also very familiar with physical modeling of pump stations.

His research interest includes computer and numerical modeling of fluid flows, physical modeling and experimental studies of fluid phenomena. Dr. Yee is very interested in any research collaboration, consulting studies or sharing of research ideas and resources. He can be reached via email tyee@kennesaw.edu


**Seeking Ph.D student: 

Dr. Yee is currently seeking a PhD student for his research group. The candidate must be able to program in C++ and Python. He/She shall have basic skills in sensors application. Knowledge in hydraulic modeling OR computational fluid dynamics is essential. Understanding of Machine Learning and/or robotics is a plus.

Must be willing to dedicate time for research and learn new knowledge, as well as perform field and laboratory work.

Please email tyee@kennesaw.edu to state your interest.