
DOE Idaho National Laboratory                                                                                                                                2023
Visiting Faculty Program Research Associate
Researched the development of post-growth thermal annealing as an effective procedure to remove tellurium inclusions in cadmium zinc telluride crystals. 

Used high-tech detector characterization tools, including X-ray diffraction topography, current-voltage measurements, and 3D experimental data visualization to characterize cadmium zinc telluride crystals.

Fabricated and tested high-granularity pixel detectors using low-temperature photoluminescence analysis.


Department of Defense (DOD)                                                                                                                      2022
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Faculty Fellow
Developed a model that helped understand socio-behavioral phenomena that could be used in predicting future events. This model was derived from a specialized waveform modeling technique called Log-Periodic Power- Law Singularity. (LPPLS) Which has been successful in modeling acoustic emissions in pressure vessels.


University of California Irvine (UCI)                                                                                                              2020
Intelligent Structures and Systems Laboratory 
All vehicle operation functions were redesigned using a Human in The Loop Redundancy safety mechanism. Towards that end, redundant braking, steering, throttle and shifting systems were all redesigned, modeled, and then implemented in vehicle using electromechanical actuation. A CAN bus network was developed to facilitate component communication to the onboard CPU which also accounted for a vehicle operator to take over control if desired. The vehicle was then tested at highway speeds at a local airport landing strip.


University of California Irvine (UCI)                                                                                                               2019
Intelligent Structures and Systems Laboratory 
Outlined four safety scenarios common to drag racing then studied the dynamics of a dragster and developed two dynamic vehicle models one to account for the in plain motion (bicycle model) of the vehicle and the other to cover the out of plain motion of the vehicle (wheel stand model). The dynamic equation were then implemented in Simulink and the four safety scenarios were studied in simulation as a (MPC) Model Predictive Control algorithm was developed.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)                                                                        2018
Marshall Space Flight Center Faculty Fellow 
Studied the effects of Chemical Sintering of Lunar Regolith for Space-Based Habitat using ionic liquids. Conducted experiments that studied the variables of strength of the ionic liquid in terms of concentration, the particle size of the JSC-1A regolith rather coarse or fine, the amount of time that the reaction was allowed to take place between the ionic liquid and the regolith.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)                                                                         2017
Marshall Space Flight Center Faculty Fellow 
Studied the effects of ionic polyimides materials in terms of structure-property-performance with an emphasis on characterizing their thermal behaviors to understand their suitable as materials for additive (In-Space Manufacturing) manufacturing.

Conducted ASTM E647 to collect experimental data to validate a simulation model for predicting crack 
propagation in aluminum alloys such as 2059, 2291, and 2050.


University of California Irvine (UCI)                                                                                                               2016
Intelligent Structures and Systems Laboratory 
Studied the effects of using a proton exchange membrane fuel cell on a Hybrid powered Volkswagen beetle. Used the Matlab-based program ADVISOR to simulate and compare both a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle, and a fuel cell hybrid vehicle to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Transportation Procedure (FTP) drive cycle.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)                                                                         2015
Marshall Space Flight Center Faculty Fellow 
Studied the effects of Multi-walled Nano particles, functionalized and non-functionalized Carbon reinforced Nano tubes, and Silicon carbon whiskers in ABS filament for 3D printing on the International Space Station.

Developed a procedure for extruding experimental derived 3D filaments to be used on the International Space station. 


National Academy of Engineering (NAE)                                                                                                    2014
Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Fellow
Completed literature review of peer-reviewed journal publications for $1.5 million consensus study on 
engineering technology education.

Developed proficiency in the understanding of engineering policy and the process required to change STEM-related policy at the federal and state levels.


DOE National Energy and Technology Laboratory                                                                                    2013
Mickey Leland Energy Program Fellow
Researched and developed a financial feasibility study of a solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid (SOFC-GT) system for industrial power generation applications.

Used a 1-dimemsional SOFC simulation model to demonstrate how an increase in overall system efficiency affects the lifetime assessment of a power-generating facility using the economic metrics of net present value, return on investment, and benefit to cost ratio. 


DOE Brookhaven National Laboratory                                                                                                         2012
Visiting Faculty Program Research Associate
Researched the development of post-growth thermal annealing as an effective procedure to remove tellurium inclusions in cadmium zinc telluride crystals.

Used high-tech detector characterization tools, including X-ray diffraction topography, current-voltage
measurements, and 3D experimental data visualization to characterize cadmium zinc telluride crystals.

Fabricated and tested high-granularity pixel detectors using low-temperature photoluminescence analysis.


DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory                                                                                                           2008
Post–Master’s Research Associate
Conducted Brunauer, Emmett & Teller (BET) and temperature program reduction (TPR) measurements on selected oxygen storage materials using micro kinetics reactor.

Used experimental results to identify the best oxygen storage material (OSM) candidate (Ni, Cu, Fe, Ce, Cr, Mn, Ca) for a chemical looping combustion process.

Identified thermodynamic and kinetic properties of OSM candidates for input into simulation model and publication in literature