
Welcome to my specialized podcast series created with advanced AI technology, aimed at future students (and scholors) in the field of Construction Management. For undergraduates, we offer episodes exploring career aptitude, daily life in the profession, and curriculum specifics. Postgraduates will find discussions on the nuances between graduate and undergraduate curricula, as well as insights into funded positions. Whether you are considering an undergraduate or postgraduate path, these podcasts provide valuable insights to guide your academic journey. Also, my podcast are sometime to future faculty to share my insight. 

In addition, please try our AI chatbot (LINK), it will help us. 

Undergraduate modules 

  • FUN: Podcast presentaions with AI
  • RELEVANT to: Future undergraduate students
    • Dr. Ali, How to Find if CM is my Talent and I am Passionate About It (Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • What a Construction Manager's Day of Life Looks Like (Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • KSU undergraduate CM curriculum (Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • Dr. Ali, do you have sample research where undergraduate students have been helping? (Podcast MP3, Youtube)
    • Brazilian Portuguese: Como Descobrir se a Gestão de Construção é o Seu Talento e se Você é Apaixonado por Ela (Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • Dr. Ali, can you share an exciting concept that goes beyond construction? (Risk & Time Travel Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • What does the end of the semester look like? (End of the semester song MP3)*

Postgraduate modules 

  • FUN: Podcast presentaions with AI
  • RELEVANT to: Future graduate students
    • Dr. Ali, How to Find if CM is my Talent and I am Passionate About It (Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • How is the graduate-level CM curriculum different from the undergraduate level? (Podcast MP3, Youtube)
    • Dr. Ali, do you have a funded position (Podcast MP3)
    • Dr. Ali, do you have sample research where graduate students have been helping? (Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • Dr. Ali, can you share an exciting concept that goes beyond construction? (Risk & Time Travel Podcast MP3, YouTube)
    • What does the graduation look like? (Congratulations song to Eneye MP3)*
    • Dr. Ali, do you have a podcast where you discuss advanced, emerging concepts in construction? (Digital twin per national academy of science MP3) (Future of Digital twin in bridge MP3

 Future faculty modlues

    • Dr. Ali, what you can share about your experiences as a faculty here? (Funding Quest song  MP3)*




*This fun song (Funding Quest) was composed by an AI tool after I shared my expeinces being in this role.