Amber Weldon-Stephens

Part-time Instructor of Music, School of Music

Amber Weldon-Stephens came to Kennesaw State University in 2009. She is the department chair and internship director for the Music Therapy Department with the Fulton County School System in Atlanta, Georgia. She started the program 20 years ago and now it is the largest music therapy department in the nation.

Weldon-Stephens holds a bachelor's degree in Music Therapy from the University of Georgia, a master's degree in Multiple and Sensory Disabilities from Georgia State University and a specialist degree in Special Education Administration from State University of West Georgia. In 2000, Weldon-Stephens was selected as Fulton County Schools Teacher of the Year.

Weldon-Stephens has served as the President of the Music Therapy Association of Georgia; President of the Southeastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association and as Council Coordinator for Association Services with the Board of Directors for the American Music Therapy Association. Amber has spent 23 summers teaching the drum majors at the Summer Marching Band Camps at the University of Georgia.