Want to join?

If you’re an undergraduate Biology or Biochemistry (or Biology-related) major at Kennesaw State University, and are genuinely interested in conducting molecular biology research in a model organism such as C. elegans, I encourage you to contact me about possible openings in the laboratory. Previous experience with molecular biology is preferred, but not required. 


In general, students are encouraged to join my lab prior to beginning their junior year to allow time to master the techniques and acquire publishable data. However, I will make exceptions depending on the circumstances.

Additionally, students should be able to commit to at least two semesters of work in the Carpenter lab (including summers).


Directed Methods (BIOL 3110) credit is available.  In addition to the above course requirements, all BIOL 3110 students will be expected to present their projects as a poster at the Symposium of Student Scholars.

Directed Study (BIOL 4400) credit is available.  Directed study students must have molecular biology experience.  In addition to the above course requirements, all BIOL 4400 students must prepare a written research proposal detailing the proposed project, including background, experimental design, and expected outcomes.  This proposal must be approved by a committee of College of Science and Mathematics Faculty before work can commence on the project.  At the end of the semester, Directed Study students will give oral presentations of their research at the Symposium of Student Scholars.


The Carpenter lab is part of the Master’s in Integrative Biology program at Kennesaw State. Interested prospective students should contact Dr. Carpenter directly for sponsorship in the program.  For more information, and to apply to the program, please click here.