
[21] T. Shurns, M. Woodall, B. Arnold, T. Mudrik, T. Joshi, B. Jiang*, “Enhanced State-of-Health and State-of-Charge Estimation for Batteries via Internal Resistance Variations and Usable Capacity Correlations”, under review

[20] T. Joshi, Y. Chen, B. Jiang*, “Analyzing Internal Resistance in Lithium Nickel Cobalt Oxide (LiNiCoO) Vehicle Batteries for Enhanced SOC and SOH prediction”, SoutheastCon 2024, Atlanta, GA
[19] Z. Feng, J. Liu, D. Xie, M. Nafisa, C. Zhang, L. Wan, B. Jiang, H. Lin, Z. Qiu, W. Lu, B.Klein, I. Ferguson, S. Liu, “Optical, Structural, and Synchrotron X-ray Absorption Studies for GaN Thin Films Grown on Si by Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, Materials 2024, 17, 2921.
[18] Y. Chen, P. Feng, G. Zhong, J. Liu, B. Jiang, Y. Harn, D. Zhao, Z. Lin, Q. Zhang, Q. Shen, “Piezoelectric nanogenerators enabled neuromodulation rescued dopaminergic neuron loss in Parkinson’s disease” Nano Energy, 2024

[17] B. Jiang, J. Iocozzia, L. Zhao, Y.-W. Harn, and Z. Lin*, "Barium Titanate at the Nanoscale: Controlled Synthesis and Dielectric and Ferroelectric Properties”, Chemical Society Reviews. 48, 1194 (2019).
[16] B. Jiang, Y. He, B. Li and Z. Lin, “Polymer-templated Formation of Corn-on-the-cob-like SnO2 Nanocrystals Coated with Polydopamine as Anodes for Lithium Ion Battery with Superior Cyclabilty”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 56, 1869 (2017). (selected as a Very Important Paper (VIP); featured on the Cover
[15] B. Jiang, C. Han, B. Li, Y. He and Z. Lin, “In-situ Crafting of ZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles Impregnated within Continuous Carbon Network as Advanced Anode Materials”, ACS Nano, 10, 2728 (2016) 
[14] B. Jiang, X. Pang, B. Li and Z. Lin, “Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites via Placing Monodisperse Ferroelectric Nanocrystals in Direct and Permanent Contact with Ferroelectric Polymer”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 11760 (2015)

[13] B. Jiang, X. Lin, X. He, S.J. Li, S.D. Zhang, “Structural, Electrical, and Optical properties of ZnMgO films prepared by reactive DC sputtering”, Asia Display Conference, (2011)

[12] M. He, B. Li, X. Cui, B. Jiang, D. O’Neil, P. Szymanski, M. A. EI-Sayed, J. Huang, and Z. Lin*, "Meniscus-Assisted Solution Printing of Large-Grained Perovskite Films for High-Efficiency Solar Cells”, Nature Communications. 8, 16045 (2017)

[11] B. Li, B. Jiang, W. Han, M. He, and Z. Lin*, "Harnessing Colloidal Crack via Flow-Enabled Self-Assembly”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 56, 4554 (2017). (selected as VIP); featured on the Cover

[10] S. Zhao, Z. Wang, Y. He, B. Jiang, Y. Harn, X. Liu, F. Yu, F. Feng, Q. Shen, and Z. Lin*, "Interconnected Ni(HCO3)2 Hollow Spheres Enabled by Self-Sacrificial Templating with Enhanced Lithium Storage Properties”, ACS Energy Letters. 2, 111 (2017).

[9] Y. He, X. Pang, B. Jiang, C. Feng, and Z. Lin*, "Unconventional route to uniform hollow semiconducting nanoparticles with tailorable dimensions, compositions, surface chemistry and near-infrared absorption”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 56, 12946 (2017). (selected as a Very Important Paper (VIP); featured on the Cover)

[8] M. He, X. Pang, X. Liu, B. Jiang, Y. He, H. Snaith, and Z. Lin*, "Monodisperse Dual-Functional Upconversion Nanoparticles-Enabled Near-Infrared Organolead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 55, 4280 (2016). (selected as a Very Important Paper (VIP); featured on the Cover )

[7] Y. Yang, C. Han, B. Jiang, J. Iocozzia, D. Shi, T. Jiang, and Z. Lin*, "Graphene-based Materials with Tailored Nanostructures for Energy Conversion and Storage”, Materials Science and Engineering R: Reports. 102, 1 (2016). (featured on the Cover )

[6] S. Wu, R. Xu, M. Lu, R. Ge, J. Iocozzia, C. Han, B. Jiang, and Z. Lin*, "Graphene-Containing Nanomaterials for Lithium Ion Battery”, Advanced Energy Materials. 5, 1500400 (2015). (featured on the Cover )

[5] C. Han, D. Yang, Y. Yang, B. Jiang, Y. He, M. Wang, A. Song, Y. He, B. Li, and Z. Lin*, "Hollow Titanium Dioxide Spheres as Anode Material for Lithium Ion Battery with Largely Improved Rate Stability and Cycle Performance by Suppressing the Formation of Solid Electrolyte Interface Layer”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 3, 13340 (2015).

[4] B. Li, C. Zhang, B. Jiang, W. Han, and Z. Lin*, "Flow-Enabled Self-Assembly of Large-Scale Aligned Nanowires”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 54, 4250 (2015). (Selected as Very Important Paper (VIP)).

[3] B. Li, B. Jiang, H. Tang, and Z. Lin*, "Unconventional Seed-Mediated Growth of Ultrathin Au Nanowires in Aqueous Solution”, Chemical Science. 6, 6349 (2015).

[2] B. Li, W. Han, B. Jiang, and Z. Lin*, "Crafting threads of diblock copolymer micelles via flow-enabled self-assembly”, ACS Nano, 8, 2936 (2014).

[1] X. Pang, Y. He, B. Jiang, J. Iocozzia, L. Zhao, H. Guo, J. Liu, M. Akinc, X. Tan, N. Bowler, and Z. Lin*, "Block copolymer/ferroelectric nanoparticle nanocomposites”, Nanoscale. 5, 8695 (2013).