
My program of research is inherently interdisciplinary as it is rooted in health, clinical, and experimental psychology. The nature of my research allows me to examine risk factors related to trauma within a biobehavioral framework. The primary goal of my research is to examine and enhance well-being in individuals and groups who have been or are likely to be exposed to trauma. To accomplish this, I employ a variety of mixed methodologies and interdisciplinary collaborations. As such, my program of research is collaborative and allows opportunities for mentees to gain a broad range of research experience while working with diverse groups (e.g., veterans, military personnel, firefighters, and members of the community).

SELECT PUBLICATIONS (*indicates student co-author)
1.     Collette, T. L., Judkins, J. L., Gettle, M., Moore, B. A., Lee, M., Beckman, D., Dyal, A., *Rouska, A., Tate, J., & Wardian, J. (in press). A retrospective, epidemiological review of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Military Population. The Medical Journal.

2.     Moore, B. A., Hale, W. J., & Peterson, A. L. (2021). Development and validation of the Recovery-Dysfunction Implicit Association Test in military personnel and civilians with posttraumatic stress disorder. Traumatology. doi:10.1037/trm0000363

3.     Moore, B. A., Straud, C. L., Hale, W. J., Baker, M. B., Gardner, C. L., Judkins, J., L., Shinn, A. M., Savell, S., Cigrang, J. A., Mintz, J., *Rouska, A., McMahon, C., Lara-Ruiz, J., Young-McCaughan, S., Peterson, A. L. (2021). Post-9/11 service members: Associations between gender, marital status, and psychiatric aeromedical evacuations from combat zones. Military Psychology. doi: 10.1080/08995605.2021.1962192

4.     Straud, C. L., Moring J. C., Hale, W. J., McMahon, C., Moore, B. A., Baker, M. T., Bryant, R. A., Young-McCaughan, S., Isler, W. C., Lara-Ruiz, J., Lancaster, C. L., Mintz, J., & Peterson, A., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2021). Patterns of acute stress disorder in a sample of blast-injured military service members: A latent profile analysis. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. doi: 10.1037/tra0001150

5.     Dyal, A., Dejoy, D., Smith, T., & Moore, B. A. (2021). Occupational stress and subjective sleep quality in firefighters: Examining the mediating role of burnout. Behavior Modification. doi: 10.1177/01454455211040049

6.     Moore, B. A., Judkins, J. L., Dyal, A., *Schlenk, M., Meyer, E., Straud, C. L., Mysliwiec, V., Peterson, A. L., & Baker, M. (2021). Behavioral and occupational health risk factors in military firefighters: An understudied population. Behavior Modification.

7.     Judkins, J. L., Moore, B. A., Stone, E., Welsh, A., Carbon, G., Rendell, B., & Peterson, A. L. (2021). Preliminary evaluation of an activity-based approach to training resiliency. BMJ Military Health.

8.     Judkins, J., Smith, K., Moore, B. A., & Morissette, S. B. (2021). Incidence rates of Alcohol Use Disorder in active duty service members over an 18-year period. Substance Abuse

9.     Moore, B. A., Hale, W. J., Judkins, J. L., & Peterson, A. L. (2021). Development and psychometric validation of the Dispositional Recovery and Dysfunction Inventory: A tool to assess for positive and negative cognitions following trauma exposure. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. doi:10.1017/S1352465821000230

10.  Nabity, P. S., Moore, B. A., Peterson, A. L., & McGeary, D. (2021). Incidence (2008-2015) of post-traumatic headaches (PTHs) in United States military personnel. Brain Injury, 35(4), 436-443.

11.  Mysliwiec, V., Pruiksma, K., Brock, M. S., Straud, C., Taylor, D. T., Hansen, S., Foster, S. N., Gerwell, K., Moore, B. A., Carrizales, F. A., Young-McCaughan, S., Vanacek, R., Mintz, J., & Peterson, A. L on behalf of the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2021). The Military Service Sleep Assessment (MSSA): An instrument to assess factors related to the onset of sleep disturbances in U.S. military personnel. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

12.  Moore, B. A., Tison, L. M., *Palacios, J. G., Peterson, A. L., & Mysliwiec, V. (2021). Incidence of insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea in active duty United States military service members. Sleep. doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab024

a.      Reported on by U.S. News and World Reports; Military Times, and the United Press International in April 2021

13.  Hale, W. J., Moore, B. A., Straud C. L., Baker, M. T., & Peterson, A. (2020). Examination of the factor structure and correlates of the Perceived Military Healthcare Stressors Scale. Journal of Traumatic Stress.

14.  Moore, B. A., Hale, J. W., Judkins, J. L., Lancaster, C. A., Baker, M. T., Isler, W. C., & Peterson, A. L., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2020). Air Force medical personnel: Perspectives across deployment. Military Medicine. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usaa115

15.  Straud, C. L., Moore, B. A., Hale, W. J., Baker, M., Gardner, C. L., Shinn, A. M., Cigrang, J. A., Litz, B., T., Mintz, J., Lara-Ruiz, J. M., Young-McCaughan, S. B., & Peterson, A. L.; for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2020). Demographic and occupational risk factors associated with suicide-related aeromedical evacuation among deployed US Military Service Members. Military Medicine.

16.  Judkins, J. L., Moore, B. A., Collette, T. L., Hale, J. W., Peterson, A. L., & Morissette, S. B. (2020). Incidence rates of posttraumatic stress disorder over a 17‐year period in active duty military service members. Journal of Traumatic Stress. doi:10.1002/jts.22558

17.  Moore, B. A., Brock, M., Brager, A., Collen, J., LoPresti, M., & Mysliwiec, M. (2020). PTSD, TBI, sleep, and performance in military personnel. Sleep Medicine Clinics. doi: 10.1016.j.jsmc.2019.11.004

18.  Nicholsonn, J. H., Moore, B. A., Dondanville, K., *Wheeler, B., & Devoe, E. R. (2020). Examining rates of postpartum depression in active duty military servicewomen. Journal of Women's Health.

19.  Peterson, A. L., Foa, E. B., Resick, P. A., Hoyt, T. V., Straud, C. L., Moore, B. A., Favret, J. V., Hale, W. J., Litz, B. T., Rogers, T. E., Stone, J. M., Villarreal, R., Woodson, C. S., Young-McCaughan, S., & Mintz, J., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2020). A nonrandomized trial of prolonged exposure and cognitive processing therapy for combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder in a deployed setting. Behavior Therapy.  doi: 10.1016/j.beth.2020.01.003

20.  Brock, M. S., Powell, T., Creamer, J., Moore, B. A., & Mysliwiec, V. (2019). Trauma associated sleep disorder: Clinical developments 5 years after discovery. Current Psychiatry Reports. doi: 10.1007/s11920-019-1066-4

21.  Moore, B. A., Moring, J. C., Hale, W. J., & Peterson A. L. (2019). Incidence rates of tinnitus in active-duty military service members between 2001-2015. American Journal of Audiology.

22.  Moring, J. C., Nason, E., Hale, W. J., Wachen, J. S., Dondanville, K. A., Straud, C. L., Moore, B. A., Mintz, J., Litz, B. T, Yarvis, J. S., Young-McCaughan, S., Peterson, A. L., & Resick, P. A., for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2019). Conceptualizing comorbid PTSD and depression among treatment-seeking, active duty military service members. Journal of Affective Disorders, 256, 541-549.

23.  Moore, B. A., Hale, W. J., Nabity, P. S., Koehn, T. R., McGeary, D. D., & Peterson, A. L. (2019). A retrospective, epidemiological review of hemiplegic migraines in a military population. Military Medicine. 

24.  Brock, M. S., Shirley, S., Rohena, L. R., Moore, B. A., & Mysliwiec, V. (2019). Unexpected finding of idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder in a young healthy male with snoring: A case report. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 

25.  Foster, S. N., Hansen, S. L., Scalzitti, N. J., Matsangas, P., Moore, B. A., & Mysliwiec, V. (2019). Residual excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea adequately treated with positive airway pressure therapy. Sleep and Breathing. 1-8.

26.  Hurlston, A., Foster, S., Creamer, J., Brock, M. S., Matsangas, P., Moore, B. A., & Mysliwiec, V. (2019). The Epworth Sleepiness Scale in service members with sleep disorders. Military Medicine.

27.  Moore, B. A., & Peterson, A. L. (2018). OEF/OIF/OI Give Up: Making sense of U.S. military operations. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (Stress Points: Military Matters). Available at:

28.  Peterson, A. L., Baker. M. T., Moore, B. A., Hale, W. J., Joseph, J. S. Straud, C. L., Lancaster, C. L., McNally, R. J., Isler, W. C. Litz, B. T., & Mintz J. (2018). Deployed military medics: Impact of combat healthcare trauma exposure. Military Medicine, 184, e133–e142.

29.  Peterson, A. L., Moore, B. A., Lancaster, C. A., Isler, W. C., Baker. M. T., McNally, R. J., Mintz, J., Joseph, J. S., Moring, J. C., Cedillos, E. M., Christians, I. W., & Litz, B. T. (2018). Attitudes and beliefs of deployed United States military medical personnel about providing healthcare for Iraqi patients. Military Behavioral Health, 7, 142-150. doi:10.1080/21635781.2018.1491908

30.  Peterson, A. L., Hale, W. J., Baker, M. T., Cigrang, J. A., Moore, B. A., Straud, C. L., Dukes, S. F., Young-McCaughan, S., Gardner, C. L., Arant-Daigle, D., Pugh, M. J., Christians, I. W., Mintz, J., & STRONG STAR Consortium. (2018). Psychiatric aeromedical evacuations of deployed active duty U.S. military personnel during Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, and New Dawn. Military Medicine, 183, e649-e658.

For a complete list of publications see Google Scholar: ‪Brian A. Moore‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬