
Professional Publications


  • Davis, B.O., Jr. and K.D. Ehret (1974) Biotic Interactions: A Laboratory Manual, Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn., 123 pages.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr., Noel Holtz, and Judith C. Davis (1985) Conceptual Human Pyhsiology. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio, 620 pages.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr., and Judith C. Davis (1985) Test Book to Accompany Davis, Holtz, and Davis' Conceptual Human Physiology. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio, 97 pages.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr., and Judith C. Davis (1985) Instructor's Manual to Accompany Davis, Holtz and Davis' Conceptual Human Physiology. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio. 105 pages.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr., Noel Holtz, and Judith C. Davis (1985) Transparency Masters to Accompany Conceptual Human Physiology. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio. 40 pages.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. (1991) "Blood Circuits". In: McGill's Survey of Science: Life Sciences, F.N. McGill (Ed.)
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. (2008) "Global Perspectives of Selected Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases. IN: C. Holtz (Ed.) Global Health, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA.


  • Goodchild, C.G. and B.O. Davis, Jr. (1972) Hymenolepis microstoma cysticercoid activation and excystation in vitro (Cestoda), J. Parasitol., 58(4): 735-741.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. (1975) Hymenolepis microstoma (Cestoda): Effects of cysticercoid age on morphology, excystation and establishment, Acta Parasitologica Polonica, 23(17): 229-236.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr., G.L. Anderson, and D.B. Dusenbery (1982) Total luminescence spectroscopy of fluorescence changes during aging in Caenorhabditis elegans, Biochemistry 21: 4089-4095.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr., Marian Goode, and D.B. Dusenbery (1986) Laser microbeam studies of the role of amphid receptors in C. elegans chemosensory behavior. J. Chem. Ecology 12(6): 1339-1347.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr., L. VanBrackle, and D. Pittard (2002) Behavioral evidence for chemosensory and thermoregulatory pathway convergence in the C. elegans nervous system. Ga. J. Science, 60(2): 103-115.


  • King, Nancy S. and B.O. Davis, Jr. (1987) The first year experience: Orientation, Advisement and KC 101, Proceedings of the 1987 National Conference on The Freshman Year Experience East, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, p-74.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. (1988) Seminar Improves Retention of High Ability Freshmen--Data Do Not Support Stereotype. The Freshman Year Experience Newsletter, Vol. 1(2):1.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. and Nancy S. King (1988) Adapting the New Student Experience to Both Low and High Risk Students. Proceedings of the 1988 National Conference on The Freshman Year Experience East, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, p-96.
  • King, Nancy S. and B.O. Davis, Jr. (1989) The New Student Experience at Kennesaw State College: Three Years Later. Proceedings of the 1989 National Conference on The Freshman Year Experience East, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, p-43.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. (1992) Freshman Seminar: A Broad Spectrum of Effectiveness. J. of the Freshman Year Experience 4(1):79-94.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. (1999) Successful Study of Biology: Some How's and Why's. In: Making Connections, Achieving Success and Understanding Others. Ed. Joseph Bocchi, et al.
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. with Domanico, Davis, and Coleman. (2010) Documenting the NICU Design Dilemma: Parent and staff perceptions of open ward versus single family rooms. Journal of Perinatology doi:10.1038/jp.2009.195
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. with Domanico, Davis, and Coleman. (2010) Documenting the NICU Design Dilemma: Comparative patient progress in open ward and single family room units. Journal of Perinatology doi:10.1038/jp.2010.120
  • Davis, B.O., Jr. with Tyner and Dunbar. (2012) A simple model for comparing healthcare staff walking efficiencies across different hospital floor plan designs. P+W Research Journal, Vol 4, No 1, pp. 29-36