
There is a critical and recognized need for rapid and potentially field portable forensic methodologies to alleviate casework backlogs caused by budget cuts and increased demand on forensic investigators. The goal of my research is to provide investigators with a chemical fingerprint for Gunshot Residue (GSR), studying the behavior of chemical compounds of forensic interest to better understand aged and/or time sensitive evidence and to fully characterize the rates of error for shooters, non-shooters, and suspects working in high-risk occupations to satisfy legal requirements for expert witness testimony and admissibility. 


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles: * Indicates Undergraduate Students. # Indicates Graduate Students.

  1. H.Z. Msimanga, C.R. Dockery, D.D. Vandenbos#, “Classification of local diesel fuels and simultaneous prediction of their physicochemical parameters using FTIR-ATR data and chemometrics,” Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2022. 279, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2022.121451.

  2. Y. Zuy*, S.O. Sweck*, C.R. Dockery and G.E. Potts, "HPLC detection of organic gunshot residues collected with silicone wristbands," Analytical Methods. 2020. 12, 85-90. DOI: 10.1039/C9AY02305D.

  3. L.A. Fambro#, D.D. Vandenbos#, M.B. Rosenberg, and C.R. Dockery, "Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the Rapid Characterization of Lead-Free Gunshot Residues," Applied Spectroscopy. 2017. 71(4), 699-708. DOI: 10.1177/0003702816689099.

  4. Z. Lu, C.R. Dockery, M. Crosby*, K. Chavarria*, B. Patterson*, and M. Giedd*, "Antibacterial Activities of Wasabi Against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Staphylococcus aureus," Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016. 7:1403. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01403.
  5. C.J. Raymond#, J. Farmer*, and C.R. Dockery, “Thermogravimetric Analysis of Target Inhibitors for the Spontaneous Self-Heating of Coal,” Combustion Science and Technology. 2016. 188(8), 1249-1261. DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1177034.

  6. L.A. Fambro#, E.T. Miller*, D.D. Vandenbos*, and C.R. Dockery, “Characterization of Lead-Free Gunshot Residue Analogs,” Analytical Methods. 2016. 8(15), 3132-3139. DOI: 10.1039/C6AY00725B.

  7. C.R. Dockery, J.H. Shugart, J.D. Parker*, W.J. Lawson*, A. Monis*, C. Maselka*, J. Foster*, E. Gricius*, and P. Colasurd*, “Accidental Poison: Analysis of 1,4-Butanediol in a Popular Children’s Arts and Crafts Toy,” The Chemical Educator. 2015. 20, 1-3. DOI: 10.1333/s00897152599a.

  8. C.R. Dockery and G.E. Potts, “Millennial Students in Undergraduate Chemistry”, ACS Symposium Series: Addressing the Millennial Student in Undergraduate Chemistry. 2014. 1180, 1-10. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2014-1180.ch001.

  9. C. R. Dockery, M. B. Rosenberg*, K. Kammerdiener*, L. E. McAdams*, N. A. Brutto*, J. Turner*, M. H. Chowdhury*, and M. K. Kiambuthi*, "The Occurrence of False Positive Tests for Gunshot Residue Based on Simulations of the Suspect's Occupation," Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research. 2011, 10(3), 107-110.

  10. C. R. Dockery, J. Turner*, M. B. Rosenberg*, K. Kammerdiener*, and S. W. Mungai*, "Gunshot Residue Analysis in the Undergraduate Laboratory Using Toy Cap Guns," Spectroscopy Letters. 2010, 43(7), 534-538. Invited Special Issue on Spectroscopy in Undergraduate Education.

  11. B. Huskins* and C. R. Dockery, "Detection of Psilocybin Mushroom Analogs in Chocolate: Incorporating Current Events into the Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory," the Chemical Educator. 2009, 14(6), 236-238 .

  12. J. L. Shaw, C. R. Dockery, S. E. Lewis, L. Harris*, and R. Bettis*, “The Trans Effect:  A guided inquiry experiment for upper-division inorganic chemistry,” Journal of Chemical Education. 2009, 86(12), 1416-1418.

  13. A. R. Stefan, C. R. Dockery, A. A. Nieuwland, S. N. Roberson*, B. M. Baguley. J. E. Hendrix, and S. L. Morgan, “Forensic analysis of anthraquinone, azo, and metal complex acid dyes from nylon fibers by micro-extraction and capillary electrophoresis,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2009, 394(8), 2077-2085. Invited Special Issue on Forensic Analysis.

  14.  A. R. Stefan, C. R. Dockery, B. M. Baguley, B. C. Vann, A. A. Nieuwland, J. E. Hendrix, and S. L. Morgan, “Microextraction, capillary electrophoresis, and mass spectrometry for forensic analysis of azo and methine basic dyes from acrylic fibers,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2009, 394(8), 2087-2094. Invited Special Issue on Forensic Analysis.

  15. C. R. Dockery,  A. R. Stefan, A. A. Nieuwland, S. N. Roberson*, B. M. Baguley, J. E. Hendrix, and S. L. Morgan, “Automated extraction of direct, reactive, and vat dyes from cellulosic fibers for forensic analysis by capillary electrophoresis,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2009, 394(8), 2095-2103. Invited Special Issue on Forensic Analysis.

  16. M. B. Rosenberg* and C. R. Dockery, “Determining the Lifetime of Detectable Amounts of Gunshot Residue on the Hands of a Shooter Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,” Applied Spectroscopy.2008, 62(11), 1238-1241.

  17. C. R. Dockery, M. J. Blew* and S. R. Goode, “Visualizing the Solute Vaporization Interference in Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy,” Journal of Chemical Education. 2008, 85(6), 854-858.

  18. C. R. Dockery, J. E. Pender, and S. R. Goode, “Speciation of Chromium via Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Ion Exchange Polymer Membranes,” Applied Spectroscopy. 2005, 59(2), 252-257.

  19. C. R. Dockery and S. R. Goode, “Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for the Detection of Gunshot Residues on the Hands of a Shooter,” Applied Optics. 2003, 42(30), 6153–6158.

  20. S. R. Goode, C. R. Dockery, M. F. Bachmeyer*, A. A. Nieuwland, and S. L. Morgan, “Detecting Gunshot Residue by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,” Trends in Optics and Photonics. 2002, 81, 175-177.

Ph.D. Dissertation:

C. R. Dockery, “Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Sampling Techniques for Forensic and Environmental Applications,” 2005, 150 pp.

Other Published Works:

G.E. Potts and C.R. Dockery, 2014. Addressing the Millennial Student in Undergraduate Chemistry. ACS Symposium Series 1180. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC. ISBN: 9780841230132.

C. Dockery and J. Cody, 2009. Instructor’s Manual to Accompany Chemistry: Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition, Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. ISBN: 0495559776.