At KSU, I primarily teach the required statistical applications course for Psychology majors. Please see the KSU Catalog for the most up-to-date information, including prerequisites.
PSYC 3000: Statistical Applications in Psychological Science
PSYC 3000 covers foundational statistical tests utilized in psychological research. My approach to this course emphasizes understanding both statistical reasoning and applications to psychological research questions, meaning students work on computations (both by hand and using statistical software) as well as interpreting the results of statistical tests. This course is required as part of the Psychology major's Research Core, and it serves as a prerequsite to PSYC 4100 (Advanced Lab, another required class) and several other PSYC courses.
PSYC 3505: The Psychology of the Emerging Adult: Late Adolescence through Early Adulthood
PSYC 3505 covers the developmental periods of late adolescence and early adulthood, so this is a great class for students who want to work with children, youth, and families. This class covers a range of psychological topics including social and physiological changes; it emphasizes theoretical perspectives related to these developmental periods along with current research, applications to practice and policy, and reflection on students' own experiences related to the course topics. We cover interesting topics like friendships and romantic relationships, identity, mental health, substance use, risky behavior, academics, careers, resilience, and civic engagement!