
I teach the courses below at KSU. Please see the KSU Catalog for the most up-to-date information, including prerequisites.

  • PSYC 3000: Statistical Applications in Psychological Science

    In this course, students are introduced to descriptive and inferential statistical techniques for analyzing psychological research. Coverage encompasses selection of appropriate statistics for differing research questions and designs, and the interpretation and reporting of results. Laboratory work is designed to enable students to apply course topics.

  • PSYC 3505: The Psychology of the Emerging Adult: Late Adolescence through Early Adulthood

    This course focuses on development from late adolescence through early adulthood and the unique physiological, cognitive, and psychosocial issues occurring during this transitional period that are not well explained by traditional conceptualizations of standard development periods. Familiarity with the major physical transitions associated with pubescence, the cognitive changes necessary for the abstract reasoning associated with this time period, and the increased complexities inherent in the social experience typical of this age group.

