Christina Scherrer
Christina Scherrer is Senior Associate Dean for the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology and a full professor in the Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISYE) department. She has been on the faculty at SPSU/KSU since Fall of 2005. Dr. Scherrer received her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. As a doctoral student she was awarded the NDSEG/ASEE Graduate Fellowship, the Georgia Tech Presidential Fellowship and the ARCS Fellowship.
Dr. Scherrer’s research interests focus on applications of industrial engineering to the public sector. Past and current projects include quantifying the benefit of school-based dental sealant programs and of fluoride varnish programs, determining optimal locations and service selection for community health centers, modeling the hospital-based spread of tuberculosis, and modeling childhood obesity interventions. Dr. Scherrer has also researched widely in STEM education. Recent projects in that area have been related to the effectiveness of on-line education, the impact of a high school outreach program, and the effectiveness of workshop-style instruction and of service learning in engineering. In 2017 she was awarded one of the KSU Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Awards for her research contributions to the field engineering applications and in 2020 she was awarded the inaugural Distinguished Scholarship Award for the College. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She has advised and published with more than two dozen undergraduate researchers and is committed to development of the STEM pipeline.
Dr. Scherrer serves on the board of the Georgia Oral Health Coalition and was previously on the executive advisory board for the Atlanta area Association for Supply Chain Management (ACSM) chapter. She has served in many leadership roles in the department and the college, including serving as Department Chair from 2020-2023. She is also active in the community, previously serving on the boards of several community organizations and with more than twenty years of service volunteering with church youth groups.