Diana Gregory

Professor | Art Education

Diana is a Professor of Art Education who holds a BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute, where she majored in painting and printmaking, a MEd in Interrelated Special Education from the University of North Georgia, and a MS and PhD in Art Education from Florida State University. She is a former Fellow for Creativity and Innovation at the KSU Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, where she was involved in faculty development around a variety of teaching and learning issues. From 2014-2016 she served as Interim Chair then Chair of the Inclusive Education Department in the KSU Bagwell College of Education. She was awarded the National Art Education Association (NAEA) Southeastern Higher Education Teacher award in 2009, the Georgia Art Education Association (GAEA) Teacher of the Year Award in 2012, and the KSU College of the Arts Distinguished Service Award in 2012. She was selected to participate in the 2012-14 Cobb Educational Consortium Leadership Academy and she was invited to serve as the NAEA Monthly Blog Mentor in August 2014. She received the USG Board of Regent's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Award in 2023 and was a 2023 Felton Jenkins, Jr. Hall of Fame Faculty Awards recipient.  

She has conducted workshops and presented locally, nationally, and internationally on the postmodern context of creativity, creative leadership, and creativity in art education. "Bits and Pieces" her mixed media work was recently selected for the NAEA Member Exhibition in Alexandria, VA, October 2017 - April 2018. As a practicing artist, she has exhibited paintings and prints across the country, and her performance art piece—the nationally recognized Babes in Crone Land—addressed issues of women aging in our culture. She is a member of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Advocacy Committee and is currently working on ISSOTL's Grand Challenges Project.  


  • 2009-2013 GAEA All State Art Symposium Catalogs
  • Georgia Art Education Association 2011 Member Exhibition Catalog, Unmasking Creativity: Process and Product”
  • “Creativity: Unmasking the Process and Product of Art Educators as Pro-c Artists,” in Enid Zimmerman & Flavia Bastos (Eds., 2014) Connecting Creativity Research and Practice in Art Education: Foundations, Pedagogies, and Contemporary Issues
  • Resting in the Darkness and Falling Apart in Susanne Fincher (2009) The mandala workbook: A creative guide for self-exploration, balance, and well-being
  • Gregory, D. G. (2021). Finding a Path: Personal Reflections on the LIfewide Learning Research Process. Lifewide Education Community(Issue 24 June), 20-25, 27-30 https://www.lifewideeducation.uk/magazine.html

Recent publications: 

  • D. Gregory (November, 2022) "Designing a Master of Art and Design: Student-staff reflections on first-year experiences as a process," Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, Vol. 8, No 2.  
  • N. Simmons, M. Eady, L. Scharff, D. Gregory (February, 2021) "SoTL in the Margins: Teaching-Focused Role Case Study," Teaching and Learning Inquiry, Vol. 9, No. 1., 61-78. 
  • D. Gregory, J. Fisher, H. Leavitt (May, 2021). "The Impact of Continual Refection Students as Partners: Becoming a/r/tographers. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 21, No. 1.

Photograph of Diana Gregory in gray scale

Academia.edu profile