
  • Research Experience:

    Kennesaw State University 
    Project CULTURE (Cultural Understanding and Learning of Teachers  2023 - current
    Uniting to Reimagine Education)                                                     
    Primary Investigator: Dr. Dominique McDaniel
    UNC Greensboro    
    #OnlineLiteraciesMatter: A Multi-case Study Approach of                       2021 - 2022
    Black and Brown Youths' Literacy Practices in Social Media Spaces      
    Primary Investigator: Dr. Dominique McDaniel
    Dissertation Advisor:  Dr. Amy M. Vetter
    Beyond “Doing it for the Culture:” Centering Marginalized Youth          2020
    Perspectives on their Literacy Experiences                                                    
    Primary Investigator
    Pilot Study Advisor:  Dr. Amy M. Vetter

  • Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

    McDaniel, D. (2024). The revolution will be digitized: Navigating obstacles to youth’s critical literacy practices. Fringes: The North Carolina English Teachers’ Association Journal, 5(1), 4-15.

    McDaniel, D. (2024). Tatum’s Social Media Activism as Multiliteracies: Connecting, Advocating, and Resisting Social Injustices. Journal of Language & Literacy Education, 20(1), 1-26.

    McDaniel, D. (2024). Toward Culturally Digitized Pedagogy: Informing Theory, Research, and Practice. Reading Research Quarterly, 59(2), 193-210.

    McDaniel, D. (2024). “Bold of them to assume I want to wait until I'm older to do what I love:" One Teens' Activism and Civic Engagement Online. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 67(6), 363-375.

    McDaniel, D. (2023). Supporting Justice-Oriented English Instruction through Teens’ Digital Activist Literacies. English Journal. 113(1), 49-57.

    Zoch, M., Vetter, A., Faircloth, B., Marhatta, P., & McDaniel, D. (2022). Community voices: Resettled youth use their writing to reposition themselves. Literacy Research and Instruction, 63(2), 105-126.

    Selected Refereed Book Chapters:

    McDaniel, D. (2023). Socially conscious memetics through a culturally digitized pedagogy lens. In D. Crovitz, & L. Panther (Eds.), How do you meme? Critical memetic literacies in English education. (pp. 98-113). Routledge.

  • Selected Other Publications & Public Scholarship:

    McDaniel, D. (2024). #ToBeMoreFree: Supporting Multilingual learners’ literacies toward activism and social justice. English Journal, 113(5), 112-115. [Essay published in column “Teaching Multilingual Learners in ELA Classrooms” edited by Zoch, M.]

    McDaniel, D. (2024, Winter issue) The digital world of teens: 5 ways teachers and teacher educators can embrace social media for the good of society and education. Scribbles 'N Bits, Georgia Council of Teachers of English, 38(2), 8-13. 
    McDaniel, D. (2023, Fall issue) Black Twitter's influence on society and teens' digital Literacies: possibilities for youth voice, writing, and civic engagement in English Language Arts. Scribbles 'N Bits, Georgia Council of Teachers of English, 38(1), 17-22.
    McDaniel, D. (2023, April 20). As digital activists, teens of color turn to social media to fight for a more just world: The Conversation. (Republished as an op-ed in Chicago Sun-Times, Fortune, and other public-facing outlets). Editorial reviewed through The Conversation

  • Grant Activity:

    Kennesaw State University Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences Project Development Grant Program

    Project CULTURE (Cultural Understanding and Learning of Teachers Uniting to Reimagine Education) Phase II: BIPOC Support and Mentor Group

    Primary Investigator, Awarded $2,300 October 2023

    Kennesaw State University Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences Extramural Funding Seed Grant Program

    Project Culture (Cultural Understanding and Learning of Teachers Uniting to Reimagine
    Education) Phase I: A Professional Learning Community (PLC)

    Primary Investigator, Awarded $7,500 December 2022

    Kennesaw State University Division of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership Development, and Inclusive Excellence Grant

    Mentoring Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Preservice English Teachers through Project CULTURE                                                                                                                 
    Primary Investigator, Awarded $8,000 April 2023

  • Selected International, National, and Local Presentations:

    Invited panelist. "Digital Methods: Conducting Critical Literacy Research in the Post-ChatGPT World". Doctoral Student Innovative Community Group Study Group: The Digital!, Literacy Research Association (LRA), Atlanta, GA, 12/2023.

    Invited panelist. “Building Your Academic Online Presence,” Office of Research’s Research Development and Strategic Initiatives (RDSI) Event, Kennesaw State University, 10/19/2023.

    Invited presentation. “Project CULTURE: Highlighting Phase 1 of a Professional Learning Community,” Lunch-n-Learn Research Presentation Series, Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kennesaw State University, 9/13/2023.
    Invited speaker (webinar), “Facilitating Inclusive Classrooms: English Education Students’ Experiences of DEI Pedagogy”, DEI Maymester Panel Presentation, Department of English Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Kennesaw State University, 5/12/2023
    Krone, B., Storm, S., & McDaniel, D. (2024, April). Critical Aesthetics of Teens’ Digital Activist Literacies in an Online Multi-Case Study. In "Expanding Media Literacy Through Critical Digital Aesthetics." Panel presentation at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    McDaniel, D. (2023, November). Interrogating Educational Hierarchies through Culturally Digitized Pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Literacy Research Association (LRA), Atlanta, GA.
    McDaniel, D. (2023, November). Project CULTURE: Building a Culturally and Linguistically Literacy Program that Binds. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of Literacy Research Association (LRA), Atlanta, GA.
    McDaniel, D. (2023, November). Socially Conscious Memetics from a Digitized Pedagogy Lens. In Panther, L. & Crovitz, D. (Eds.) How Do You Meme? Connecting Critical Memetics and English Education.  Roundtable presentation for the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).

    McDaniel, D. (2022). Activism, Action, and Allyship Through Multimodal Literacy Practices. Accepted for the Literacy Research Association 72nd Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
    McDaniel, D. (2022). Growing Advocacy Online: Bringing Together Teachers, Researchers, Families, and Communities to Advocate for Authentic Writing Instruction. Writers Who Care Panel Presentation. Accepted for the 2022 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.
    McDaniel, D. (2022). Reimagining literacy through transformative online spaces: Teens' advocacy and agency on social media platforms. In NCTE ELATE Social Justice Commission Roundtable Session: Sueña con Nosotros: Reimagining Educational Spaces as Beacons for Hope and Transformation. Accepted for the 2022 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.
    McDaniel, D. (2021). #WidenWhatCountsAsLiteracy: A Multi-case Study Approach of Black and Brown Youth Literacy Practices in Social Media Spaces. Accepted for the 2021 Literacy Research Association (LRA) 71st Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
    McDaniel, D. (2021). #OnlineLiteraciesMatter: Examining Minoritized Youths' Literacy Practices and Racialized Experiences in Social Media Spaces. Accepted for the 2021 National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Virtual Annual Convention, Previously scheduled at Louisville, KY.
    McDaniel, D., Krone, B. (2024, February). Expanding Media Literacy Through Critical Digital Aesthetics. Panel presentation for the annual meeting of the Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE), Jekyll Island, GA.
     McDaniel, D. (2024, February). Socially Conscious Memetics from a Digitized Pedagogy Lens. In Panther, L. & Crovitz, D. (Eds.) How Do You Meme? Connecting Critical Memetics and English Education.  Roundtable presentation for the annual meeting of the Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE), Jekyll Island, GA.

    McDaniel, D. (2023). Discovering Good Trouble in Social Media Spaces: BIPOC Teens’ Voice and Agency Through Digital Literacies. 2023 Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE) Conference, Athens, GA.


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