
I received my Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology, which is a subfield in psychology focusing on creating a smarter, happier, and healthier workplace. My own research interest focus on making the workplace more productive and less stressful through a variety of means. First, my research examines the benefits when employees form long lasting, positive relationship with the organization. Research in the past thirty years supports that employees form global attribution about the extent to which their organization cares about their wellbeing and values their contributions, namely perceived organizational support (POS). The first area of my research interest is built on organizational support theory and tries to understand the underlying mechanisms regarding why treating employees well pays off. 

My second research area is occupational health psychology, which focuses on promoting the safety, health, and wellbeing of workers. It is an interdisciplinary field representing a broad range of expertise, such as psychology, nursing, and public health. My work in this area leverages prominent occupational stress theories and sheds light on individual and organizational factors contributing to a healthy workforce.  

Recently, I also use my research to help students’ career development such as navigating work-school conflict and job search processes.