Genetics Lab
BIOL 3300L
Required Materials
- Lab Manual: Laboratory Materials to Accompany Biol 3300L, Fall Semester 2014 Through Summer Semester 2014, Kennesaw State University (available only at the Course Website in Desire2Learn)
- Virtual Flylab: Instruction for online Registration with Virtual Fly Lab is on course webpage (online syllabus) and in lab manual
- Scantron
- Answer Sheets: Form No. 4521 (available in bookstore—packs of 6 for ~$1.75); three forms will be needed for lab tests)
- Optional, but strongly recommended materials: Personal laboratory safety glasses
Course DescriptionThis course is designed to reinforce principles and applications of transmission genetics, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics. Students will learn to use problem-solving, data analysis and quantitative methods to explore these areas of genetics. Exercises in molecular genetics will expose students to methods of recombinant DNA technology.
Pre-RequisitesStudents must have a grade of “C” or better in BIOL 1107 and 1107L and Chem 1211 and 1211L. BIOL 3300 is a corequisite for this course (taking currently or having earned a “C” or better in a previous semester).
Course Level Objectives
Students will be able to:
- Use and interpret probabilities and statistics in gathering and analyzing genetic data and predicting genetic outcomes
- Plan and perform various types of genetic crosses and determine when a cross would be used by a geneticist
- Generate and use genetic maps
- Explain major methods used in molecular genetics to isolate and identify an unknown piece of DNA and interpret data obtained by these methods.
- Access and use genetic information from public databases, given a particular problem in biotechnology, medicine, or biology
Laboratory Policy
- Attendance at each laboratory period is required. Absence from more than two laboratory periods (unexcused absences - absences for which medical or legal documentation is not provided) WILL RESULT AUTOMATICALLY IN A FINAL GRADE OF "F" for the term, regardless of other work.
- Attendance will be taken promptly at the beginning of lab. Plan to arrive shortly before lab begins and stay the ENTIRE lab period. Students that ARRIVE AFTER ATTENDANCE has been recorded will be CONSIDERED LATE and will receive a LATE PENALTY of 1 point that will be applied to the accompanying lab exam. Students LEAVING LAB EARLY, before the lab exercise is completed, will receive a 1 POINT PENALTY that will be applied to the accompanying quiz.
- Readings — students are expected to have read the day’s lab exercise before coming to lab.
- Three lab tests will be used to assess student understanding of lab content and skills. Lab tests will be given during the first 30 minutes of lab (see Lab Schedule for dates). Students arriving late to lab will not be given additional time to complete a test.
- Make-up lab tests are given for excused absences only (absences for which medical
or legal documentation can be provided; see explanation below). Given an excused absence,
the student must arrange to take a make-up lab test within one (1) week of the missed
lab test (i.e. prior to the next lab period). After this time, a grade of 0 will
be recorded. Given an unexcused absence, there is no make-up for a missed lab test,
and the student will receive a grade of 0 for the test. There is no substitute work/assignment
that can be submitted in lieu of a missed lab test.
- a. You must contact the instructor within 24 hours of the original exam date to be considered for a makeup exam.
- b. All absences must be supported by documentation (physician’s note, death certificate, police report).
- c. Given an excused absence, the penalties described in the sections above will not be applied to the corresponding lab exam. Butan excused absence is not without consequence, for it is not possible for a student to perform a missed lab activity outside of the regularly scheduled lab period.
- Eleven (11) lab checkouts are scheduled (refer to the lab schedule). Upon completion of the lab activities scheduled for these dates, each student will show all work to the instructor to check out of the lab. All figures, calculations, data tables, questions and lab cleanup must be completed before the student can check out of the lab. A lab checkout is worth 1 point. One of these will be dropped to make the lab checkouts worth a total of 10 points.
- There are no planned extra-credit projects. Do not expect a curve on individual lab exams.
Grading Policy
The final course grade will be based on the number of points earned out the total possible.
- Lab attendance: 10%
- Lab preparation (reading beforehand): 5%
- Lab checkouts: 10%
- Three lab tests: 25% each
A = 90-100% of total points B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = below 60%
Reminder (item #1 above): Attendance at each laboratory period is required. Absence from more than two laboratory periods (unexcused absences - absences for which medical or legal documentation is not provided) will result automatically in a final grade of "F" for the term, regardless of other work.
Policy Converning Changes to the SyllabusAny changes in the syllabus will be announced in lab, posted as an announcement at the course website in D2L, and an updated syllabus will be posted on the course website.
Inclement Weather PolicyIf the University is CLOSED, there will be no lab. Otherwise, lab will meet as scheduled. For the official status of the university check the KSU Advisories website »
Course Withdrawal
Students may withdraw from one or more courses anytime before the withdrawal deadline. According to KSU policy, students will be allowed a maximum of eight total withdrawals if they enter KSU as a freshman. Transfer students will be allowed one withdrawal per fifteen credit hours attempted, for a maximum of eight. To withdraw from a course at KSU, a student must withdraw online through Owl Express (select Online Withdrawal). Students who officially withdraw from courses by 11:45 pm on the withdrawal date will receive a "W" in those courses and receive no credit. They will not however suffer any academic penalty. Students who officially withdraw after this deadline will receive a "WF," which will be counted as an "F" in the calculation of their grade point average. The only exceptions to these withdrawal regulations will be for instances involving unusual circumstances, which are fully documented. Students may appeal to the academic standing committee for consideration of unusual circumstances. Students who simply stop attending classes without officially withdrawing usually are assigned failing grades.
Visit KSU Undergraduate Catalog, for more information about Course Withdrawal »
KSU's Academic Integrity Policy
Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the University’s policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials, misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work, malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an “informal” resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct’s minimum one semester suspension requirement. Please refer to the KSU Undergraduate Catalog (select Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities; select Student code of Conduct) for more information.
Visit KSU Undergraduate Catalog, for more information about Student Rights and Responsibilities »