Instructions for Registering for Virtual Flylab
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Read the instructions
The site is not the most user-friendly and requires reading the instructions, so if it rejects your entries, be sure and read the pop-up instructions.
Only one team member needs to register
Teams will be working together on the web site. Registration costs ~$8.00, so the lab partner who doesn’t register can split the cost, or buy his/her partner a sandwich, etc. Two can’t log in at the same time with same password, so if you want to practice at any overlapping time, register separately.
Don’t pay for the more expensive versions ($40, $20.00, etc.).
These are online labs that we will not be using.
- Go to:
- In the left column, click on the green “BUY NOW”
- Click on “Student Online Subscriptions” at the top of the new page.
- On new page, scroll down to “Individual Student Labs”. Click on “FlyLab” for $7.00.
- Accept the end-user license agreement
- Click on the “No, I am a new user” button.
- On same page as step above, scroll down to fill in school zip code (30144) and school country.
- New page: fill in name, email, login name and password. **log-in must be at lease 4 characters, password must have at least 8 characters and at least one number and letter
- Record your login name and password in your lab manual.
- Choose a security question (you never know who will want to break in and steal your VirtualFlylab password ;-)
- Fill in credit card and other information.
- After you have registered, it will allow you to access the website then (same page as the link at beginning of instructions). Click on the green “FlyLab” button in the RIGHT column to test that you are truly registered.
- Have this worksheet (PDF) filled out BEFORE you come to lab.