Emily Scheinfeld
Emily Scheinfeld is an associate professor of Communication at Kennesaw State University. She received her PhD in Interpersonal Communication from The University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests center on how adult children and their parents communicate about challenging or difficult health issues, including end of life, genetic testing, alcohol and drugs, the choice to be a donor. She is interested in examining how familial health communication differs from everyday family communication and the process of disclosure when attempting to seek out social support during these challenging health crises, and how that may impact stress and coping. She has presented at various regional, national, and international conferences and been published in Health Communication, Journal of Death and Dying, Health Behavior & Policy Review, American Journal of Health Behavior, Communication Yearbook, and American Journal of Infection Control.
She is currently working with colleagues across the country exploring grief, end of life communication, coping, and disclosures of that grief.