
Jeremy R. Gulley, Rachel Cooper, and Ethan Winchester, "Mobility and conductivity of laser-generated e-h plasmas in direc-gap nanowires," Photonics Nanostructures: Fundam. Appl. 59, 101259 (2024).

Yen-Yu Chang, Jeremy R. Gulley, Zhengyan Li, James Welch, Rafal Zgadzaj, Aaron Bernstein, and Michael C. Downer, "Single-shot observation of nonlinear pulse splitting in Kerr medium," Opt. Lett. 49(1), 73 (2024).

Jeremy R. Gulley, Danhong Huang, and Ethan Winchester, "Ultrashort-laser pulse induced plasma dynamics in semiconductor nanowires," Proc. SPIE 12884, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXVIII, 128840G (2024).

Jeremy R. Gulley, Rachel Cooper, Ethan Winchester, Christopher Woolford, Pablo Limon, and Danhong Huang, "Photon-drag effect and plasma oscillations in 1D semiconductors." Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022 (FIO, LS), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JW5A.34 (2022).

Jeremy R. Gulley and Danhong Huang, "Ultrafast transverse and longitudinal response of laser-excited quantum wires," Opt. Express 30(6), 9348-9359 (2022).  Download PDF

Xuejun Lu, Danhong Huang, and Jeremy R. Gulley, "Laser-controlled ultrafast nonlinear optical response of interacting e-h pairs in electromagnetically-coupled GaAs quantum dots," J. Appl. Phys. 131(7), 073101 (2022).  Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley and Danhong Huang, "Modeling of ultrafast propagation and quantum kinetics of laser-generated electron-hole plasmas in nanowires." 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, OSA Technical Digest, M41A.10 (2020).

Jeremy R. Gulley and Danhong Huang, "Self-consistent quantum-kinetic theory for interplay between pulsed-laser excitation and nonlinear carrier transport in quantum-wire array," Opt. Express 27, 17154-17185 (2019)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley and Danhong Huang, "Strong-Coupling Model for Pulsed Light Propagation and Quantum Kinetics of Electron-Hole Plasmas in Quantum Wire Arrays", Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018), JW4A.73 (2018).  Download PDF

Klaus Huthmacher, Andreas K. Molberg, Bärbel Rethfeld, Jeremy R. Gulley, "A split-step method to include electron-electron collisions via Monte Carlo in multiple rate equation simulations," J. Comput. Phys. 322, 535-546 (2016).

Thomas E. Lanier and Jeremy R. Gulley, “Nonlinear space-time focusing and filamentation of annular femtosecond pulses in dielectrics,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 33, 292-301 (2016). Download PDF, Download Supplementary Material.

Jeremy R. Gulley and Thomas E. Lanier, "Self-consistent modeling of photoionization and the Kerr effect in bulk solids,"  Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2015, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 7632, 96320X (2015)Download PDF

Thomas E. Lanier and Jeremy R. Gulley, "Calculation of nonlinear optical damage from space-time-tailored pulses in dielectrics,"  Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2015, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 9632, 96320Z (2015)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley and Thomas E. Lanier, "Model for ultrashort laser-pulse induced ionization dynamics in transparent solids," Phys. Rev. B. 90, 155119 (2014)Download PDF

Jiexi Liao and Jeremy R. Gulley, “Time-frequency control of ultrafast plasma generation in dielectrics,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31, 2973-2980 (2014)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley, Jiexi Liao, and Thomas E. Lanier, "Plasma generation by ultrashort multi-chromatic pulses during nonlinear propagation," Proc. SPIE 8972, Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Application XIV, 89720T (2014)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley, “Ultrafast laser-induced damage and the influence of spectral effects,” Opt. Eng. 51, 121805 (2012)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley, Sebastian W.Winkler, William M. Dennis , Carl L. Liebig, Razvan Stoian, “Interaction of ultrashort-laser pulses with induced undercritical plasmas in fused silica,” Phys. Rev. A 85, 013808 (2012)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley, "Modeling free-carrier absorption and avalanching by ultrashort laser pulses,"  Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2011, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.8910, 819022 (2011)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley, "Frequency dependence in the initiation of ultrafast laser-induced damage," Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 2010, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 7842, 7842-36 (2010)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley and William M. Dennis, "Ultrashort-pulse propagation through free-carrier plasmas," Phys. Rev. A. 81, 033818 (2010)Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley, Sebastian W. Winkler, and William M. Dennis, "Simulation and analysis of ultrafast laser pulse induced plasma generation in fused silica," Opt. Eng. 47, 054302 (2008).Download PDF

Jeremy R. Gulley, Sebastian W. Winkler, and William M. Dennis, "Simulation and analysis of ultrafast laser pulse induced plasma generation in dielectric materials,"  Enabling Photonic Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications III, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6572, 65720R (2007)Download PDF