I currently teach the following courses at the Bagwell College of Education:
EDRS 8200: Quantitative Research I
This course is intended to develop teacher/school leaders in the education field.
Ed.S and Ed. D. candidates will demonstrate a functional understanding of the nature
and design of quantitative research as applied to the educational arena including
but not limited to the following topics; the nature and application of descriptive
and basic inferential statistics including the concepts of variance, normal distribution,
population, sample, power, effect size, hypothesis testing, parametric and nonparametric
tests, t-tests, correlations, validity, reliability; the strengths, weaknesses of
quantitative research designs; the principles of data collection and analysis using
computer software such as SPSS. Candidates will acquire and become proficient in analytical
and interpretive skills; and will be prepared to conduct applied quantitative research
that will bear positively on schools.
EDRS 9200: Conceptual Frameworks & Research Design
This course is an in-depth study of and application of selected quantitative research
designs. Course
also involves advanced study of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and
tests traditionally utilized in social and behavioral research. Emphasis will be
placed on
understanding the process of social and educational research in applied settings.
Candidates will
deepen their expertise in designing and conducting research and analyzing quantitative
Candidates will conduct these analyses using quantitative statistical software (SPSS),
interpret their
findings, and communicate their results ethically, clearly and effectively. The topics
will focus on
ANOVA, factor analysis, and multiple regression.
EDSM 8901: Seminar I: Trends & Issues in Middle & Secondary Education
The trends and Issues in Secondary and Middle Grades Education Intro to Applied Capstone
Project) course is taken in the first semester of the program. The course is designed
to assist advanced graduate students in conceptualizing their final project and developing
a plan for its completion.Building on the pedagogical and teaching-field knowledge
and skills which will be developed in the Ed.S. program, candidates will target a
specific area of interest which will be the focus of a capstone project.
EDSM 8902: Seminar II: Capstone Course
Building on the pedagogical and teaching-field knowledge and skills that have been
developed in the Ed.S. program, candidates will target a specific area in their practice
in order to conduct a capstone project. Completing this project will contribute to
the Ed.S. program’s goals of developing: 1. Reflective scholar-practitioners who know
how to use, produce, and disseminate educational research; 2. Evidence-based instructional
leaders who demonstrate in-depth content and pedagogical knowledge to advance teaching
and learning.