



Meacham, S., Wee, S., Kim, J, Han, S.  & Heish, W. (2024). Early childhood and the Asian American experiences: Exploring intersectionality and addressing misrepresentations. Routledge.

Han, S., Kim, J., Meacham, S., & Wee, S. (2023). Supporting Korean American children in early childhood education: Perspectives from mother-educators. Teachers College Press.  [The 2024 Philip C. Chinn Multicultural Book Award, the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME)]  

Lim, M. Oh, J., Kim, J., & Sohn, E. (2023).  우리는 친구잖아. 그렇지?" : 어린이의 문화 들여다보기 , Yangseowon (양서원). [This is a Korean translation of  Corsaro, W. (2003). “We are friends. right?”: Inside kids’ culture. National Academic Press]


Refereed Book Chapters:

Kim, J. (forthcoming). Here and now with difficult knowledge: Asian American children’s lived experiences on anti-Asian racism. In Eizadirad, A., & Trifonas, P. (Eds.). The International Handbook of Anti-Discriminatory Education. Springer. 

Kim, J. (2023). Maintaining a heritage language in the Early Years: The perspectives of Korean immigrant mothers with  young emergent bilinguals.  In Cho, H & Song, K. (Eds.).  Korean as a heritage language from transnational and translanguaging perspectives  (pp. 15-30) Routledge. 

Kim, J. (2022). Wrestling with dilemmas, vulnerabilities, and hopes: Being an immigrant mother and a transnational teacher educator. In Kitchen, J., Tidwell, D. & Fitzgerald, L. (Eds.). Self-study and diversity III: Inclusivity and diversity in teacher education (pp. 61-78). Brill Publisher.

Kim, J., & Brown, S. (2013). Behavior and classroom management of preschool children with behavioral and emotional disorders. In J. B. Kolbert & L. M. Crothers (Eds). Understanding and managing behaviors of children with psychological disorders: A reference for classroom teachers (pp. 285-308). Bloomsbury. 


Selected Peer-Reviewed Journals 

Kim, J. (2024, online first). (Re)Configuring “home” for highly mobile children in early childhood education curriculum in the U.S. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. [SSCI]

Kim, J. (2024). Against teaching home as housing in school: Examining how teachers teach home. Action in Teacher Education. 48(3), 261-274

Kim, J. (2024, online first). Teaching “home” in the curriculum. Teachers and Teaching. 30(5), 701-715. [SSCI]

Wee, S., Kim, J., & Yang, V. (2024). Unpacking East and Southeast Asian Immigrants Portrayed in Children’s Picturebooks: Centering on Immigration in Contemporary Times. Reading Horizons: A Journal of Literacy and Language Arts, 63 (2). 29-53.

Kim, J., Han, S., Wee, S., & Meacham, S. (2024).  Children’s names and naming practices: Wrestling with racism in Asian American families. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. 18(3), 182-194

Kim, J. (2023).  'Where are Asian Americans?': Exploring racialized discourses toward Asian Americans through critical ethnographic child-parent research. Ethnography and Education. 18(3), 264-279.

Wee, S., Meacham, S., & Kim, J. (2023, online first). Being (Asian) American children: Children’s exploration of racial/cultural identity and racism. Race, Ethnicity, and Education.   [SSCI]

Meacham, S., Kim, J., Wee, S., Kim, K. (2022). ReZoomⓒing our academic home using the suda (수다)  approach. Qualitative Inquiry, 28(6), 625-635. [SSCI]

Wee, S., Kim, S., & Kim, J. (2022). “Don’t bully. We are all different”: Pedagogical potential of    early critical literacy with bullying-themes. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 20(4), 463-478                            

Lim, M., Kim, J., & Lee, K.  (2021).  Subcontracted mothering: A discourse on professionalism in childcare in South Korea. European Early Childhood Education Research, 29(6), 895-909.  [SSCI]                                

Kim, J. Wee, S. & Meacham, S. (2021). What is missing in our teacher education practices: A collaborative self-study of teacher educators with children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying Teacher Education, 17(1), 22-37.

Kim, J. (2020). Homelessness as difficult knowledge in early childhood education. Early Childhood Education Journal, 48(6), 851-823.  [SSCI]

Kim, J. & Kim, K. (2020). (Re)thinking preservice teachers’ field experiences through a spatial lens. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 41(2), 148-161.

Kim, J., & Wee, S. (2020). Silent voices of homelessness: Content analysis of homelessness in children’s picture books published in the U.S. between 1990-2016. Early Child Development and Care, 190(3), 364-375.  [SSCI]

Wee, S., Kura, K., & Kim, J. (2018). Unpacking Japanese culture in children’s picture books: Culturally authentic representation and historical events/political issues. Reading Horizons, 57(2), 35-55.  

Kim, J., Wee, S., & Kim, K. (2018). Walking the roads as immigrant mothers and teacher educators: A collaborative self-study of three Korean immigrant early childhood educators. Studying Teacher Education, 14(1), 1-17.

Kim, K., & Kim, J. (2017). Going beyond the gap between theory and practice: Rethinking teacher reflection with poststructural insights. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 38(4), 289-303.

Lim, M., & Kim, J. (2016).  The figured worlds of diversity: Korean preschool teachers’ beliefs about multicultural education. International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 22(2), 59-77. 

Kim, J. (2016).  Unpacking the normalcy of home among early childhood pre-service teachers in the United States. Educational Theory and Practice for Infants and Young Children, 1(1), 77-98. 

Kim, J. (2014). “You don’t need to be mean. We’re friends, right?”: Young Korean-American children’s conflicts and references to friendship. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 12(3), 279-293.

Kim, J. (2013). Against the unchallenged discourse of homelessness: Examining view of early childhood pre-service teachers. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 34(4), 291-307.

Kim, J. (2013). Confronting invisibility: Pre-service teachers’ perspectives toward homeless children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41(2), 161-169. [SSCI]

Kim, J., & Lim, M. (2013). Culturally responsive research methods: A reflection on two ethnographic studies of Korean immigrant children and parents in the U.S. International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 19(1), 5-21. 

Kim, J., & Lee, K. (2011) “What’s your name?” Names, naming practices, and contextualized self of young Korean-American children.  Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 25(3), 211-217.

Kim, J. (2011). Korean immigrant mothers’ perspectives: The meanings of a Korean heritage language school for their children’s American early schooling experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal, 39(2), 133-141 [SSCI]

Current Research Projects

2024-2026  Resisting Asian-American racism: Empowering Korea American families through the F2F suda program, Brady Education Foundation research grant (PI, 2024-2026)

2024-2025 Supporting teachers working with children experiening homelessness. Vertically Integrated Project grant (PI), KSU Office of Research, KSU, GA

Selected Featured in Media 

Most US schools teach little to nothing about Asian American history and it hurts everyone, experts say. CNN Digital.



