John Marsh

John MarshPart-time Instructor of Music, School of Music

John Marsh, class piano instructor at Kennesaw State University School of Music, has taught class piano for many years at KSU and other institutions. He earned the Bachelor of Music degree from Indiana University, and the Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University.

Dr. Marsh is currently Organist and Choirmaster at St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Dunwoody, Georgia. Having previously served the Episcopal Church, he was chair of the Church Music Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, planning and implementing national conferences. During his chairmanship, a Children's Choir Camp at Camp Allen and the Leadership Program for Musicians, a continuing education program for church musicians, were begun. He was a contributor to What Would Jesus Sing? Experimentation and Tradition in Church Music, published by Church Publishing Incorporated. Dr. Marsh continues as adjunct faculty at Lonestar College, Houston, Texas, where he teaches a variety of online music classes.