
Link to Updated Google Scholar Profile

Carter, M. Z., Cole, M. S., Bernerth, J. B., Harms, P.D., Wilhau, A., & Palmer, J. C. (2024). Rotten apples in bad barrels: psychopathy, counterproductive work behavior, and the role of social context. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Advance online publication.

Palmer, J. C., Mackey, J. D., McAllister, C. P., Alexander, K. C., Phillipich, M. A., Mercer, I. S., & Ellen III, B. P. (2024). Cultural values as moderators of the relationship between destructive leadership and followers’ job satisfaction. Group & Organization Management. Advance online publication.

Palmer, J. C., Macenczak, L. A, & Campbell S. M. (2023). One of these things is not like the other: The differential effects of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism on justice orientation. Current Psychology. Advance online publication.

Paustian-Underdahl, S. C., Palmer, J. C., Halliday, C. S., & Blass, F. R. (2022). The role of stress mindsets and coping in improving the personal growth, engagement, and health of small business owners. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(8) 1310–1329.

  • Winner of the competitive (college-wide) 2024 Coles College of Business Outstanding Publication Award

Palmer, J. C., Wang, G., Molina-Sieiro, G., & Holmes, R. M. (2022). Measuring in the dark? A discussion of and recommendations for measuring narcissism in micro and macro research. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 230(4), 335–337.

Jordan, S. L., Palmer, J. C., Daniels, S. R., Hochwarter, W. A., Perrewé, P. L., & Ferris, G. R. (2022). Subjectivity in fairness perceptions: How heuristics and self-efficacy shape the fairness expectations and perceptions of organizational newcomers. Applied Psychology, 71(1), 103-128.

Chawla, N., Gabriel, A. S., Evans, J. B., Rosen, C. C., Koopman, J., Hochwarter, W. A., Palmer, J. C., & Jordan, S. L. (2021). A person-centered view of impression management, inauthenticity, and employee behavior. Personnel Psychology74(4), 657–691.

Holmes, R. M., Hitt, M. A., Perrewé, P. L., Palmer, J. C., & Molina-Sieiro, G. (2021). Building cross-disciplinary bridges in leadership: Integrating top executive personality and leadership theory and research. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(1), 101490.

Jordan, S. L., Hochwarter, W. A., Palmer, J. C., Daniels, S. R., & Ferris, G. R. (2020). Supervisor narcissistic rage: Political support as an antidote. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 35(7/8), 559–574.

Palmer, J. C., Hochwarter, W. A., Ma, S., Ferris, G.R., & Kiewitz, C. (2020). Self-regulation failure as a moderator of the POPs–work outcomes relationships. Career Development International, 25(7), 731–745.

Palmer, J. C., Chung, Y., Park, Y., & Wang, G. (2020). Affectivity and riskiness of retirement investment decisions. Personnel Review, 49(9), 2093–2110.

Palmer, J. C., Holmes, R. M., & Perrewé, P. L. (2020). The cascading effects of CEO dark triad personality on subordinate behavior and firm performance: A multi-level theoretical model. Group & Organization Management, 45(2), 143–180.

  • Winner of the 2020 Group & Organization Management Best Conceptual Paper Award

Palmer, J. C., Komarraju, M., Carter, M. Z., & Karau, S. J. (2017). Angel on one shoulder: Can perceived organizational support moderate the relationship between the dark triad traits and counterproductive work behavior? Personality and Individual Differences, 110, 31–37.