

Engstrom, Richard N., J. Benjamin Taylor, and Robert M. Howard. forthcoming. Georgia’s Constitution and Government, 10th edition. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.

Richey, Sean, and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2020. Political Advocacy and American Politics: Why People Fight So Often About Politics. New York: Routledge.

Richey, Sean, and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2018. Google and Democracy: Politics and the Power of the Internet. New York, NY: Routledge.

Taylor, J. Benjamin. 2017. Extreme Media and American Politics: In Defense of Extremity. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.


Houck, Aaron M., Aaron S. King, and J. Benjamin Taylor. forthcoming. “The Effect of Experts on Attitude Change in Public-Facing Political Science: Scientific Communication on Term Limits in the United States.” Public Understanding of Science.

Minooie, Milad, J. Benjamin Taylor, and Chris J. Vargo. 2023. “Agendamelding and COVID-19: The Dance of Horizontal and Vertical Media in a Pandemic.” Frontiers in Political Science 5 (May).

Houck, Aaron M., Aaron S. King, and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2021. “Updating with Others: Testing the Effect of Informational Social Influence on Political Attitudes.” Politics & Policy 49 (1): 87–125.

Richey, Sean, and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2020. “Google Books Ngrams and Political Science: Two Validity Tests for a Novel Data Source.” PS: Political Science & Politics 53 (1): 72–77.

Glas, Jeffrey M., and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2018. “The Silver Screen and Authoritarianism: How Popular Films Activate Latent Personality Dispositions and Affect American Political Attitudes.” American Politics Research 46 (2): 246–75.

Taylor, J. Benjamin. 2018. “The Educative Effects of Extreme Television Media.” American Politics Research 45 (1): 3–32.

Gershon, Sarah Allen, Adrian D. Pantoja, and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2016. “God in the Barrio?: The Determinants of Religiosity and Civic Engagement among Latinos in the United States.” Politics and Religion 9 (1): 84–110.

Glas, Jeffrey M., Sean Richey, J. Benjamin Taylor, and Junyan Zhu. 2016. “There Is Nothing Wrong with Kansas: The Effect of Race and Economics on Voting Correctly in U.S. Presidential Elections.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 46 (1): 158–72.

Taylor, J. Benjamin, Sarah Allen Gershon, and Adrian D. Pantoja. 2014. “Christian America? Understanding the Link between Churches, Attitudes, and ‘Being American’ among Latino Immigrants.” Politics and Religion 7 (2): 339–65.

Reilly, Shauna, Sean Richey, and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2012. “Using Google Search Data for State Politics Research An Empirical Validity Test Using Roll-Off Data.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12 (2): 146–59.

Richey, Sean, and J. Benjamin Taylor. 2012. “Who Advocates? Determinants of Political Advocacy in Presidential Election Years.” Political Communication 29 (4): 414–27.

Book Chapters

Taylor, J. Benjamin, Sarah Allen Gershon, and Adrian D. Pantoja. 2018. “The Rise of Latino Evangelicals.” In The Evangelical Crackup?: The Future of the Evangelical-Republican Coalition, edited by Paul Djupe and Ryan L. Claassen. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
