
  • Lim, K., & Lee., S. (Forthcoming). Advancing Intercultural Understanding through the Integration of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. International Journal of Education through Art. 
  • Lim, K., & An, S. (2025). Critical teaching of war in art classrooms. Art Education. 
  • Lim, K., & Lonsway, C. (2024). Cultural soundscape mapping: An innovative lesson for STEAM-multisensory integrated education. Art Education
  • Lim, K., & An, S. (2024). Visualizing Silenced Histories of School Segregation: Visual Arts, Social Studies, and Drama-Integrated Lessons Using Three-Dimensional Printing. Art Education.
  • Lim, K., An, S. (2024). Portrait making of Indigenous Women and Women of Color suffragists and me: Becoming antiracist art teachers through historical inquiry into the suffrage activism of Indigenous Women and Women of Color. Antiracist Research on K-12 Education and Teacher Preparation: Policy, Pedagogy, Curriculum, and Practice. ATE.
  • Li, J., & Lim, K. (2024). Teaching, bridging, learning: Changes of online art education curriculum in the universities in China and the United States. International Conference on Education and Training Technologies.
  • Bain, C., Taylor, K., Song, B., Lim, K., Heller, H., Antonisse, M., Ripey, A., Fejeran, Z., Spiers, G., Cesena, A., Becerril, C. (2024). Moving from me to we: Highlighting collaborative research in art education. Art Education.
  • Song, B., & Lim, K. (2024). “Wow, she’s real!”: Re-examining pre-service art teachers’ online learning experiences. Distance Education.
  • Lim, K. (2024). Introducing AACIG’s curriculum resources for teaching Asian art and culture. NAEA Newsletter, Asian Art and Culture Interest Group.
  • Song, B., & Lim, K. (2024). Isolation, connection, and embracement: Exploring students’ perspectives on virtual art education during the pandemic. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
  • Koo, A., Lim, K., & Song, B. (2024). Belonging pedagogy: Revisiting identity, culture, and belonging through art making, Studies in Art Education.
  • Song, B., Lim, E., & Lim, K. (2023). The stories of teaching online art education during the times of transitions and challenges, Art Education.
  • Lim, K., & Lee, S. (2022). Science and visual integrated curriculum through virtual reality mediated system education, European Congress Qualitative Inquiry 2022 Proceedings.
  • Lim, K., & Song, B. (2022). Analysis of multi-layered assessment design for online art classes using grounded theory, European Congress Qualitative Inquiry 2022 Proceedings. 
  • Lim, K. (2022). Expanding multimodal artistic expression and appreciation methods through integrating Augmented Reality: Immersive learning in art and science integration, The International Journal of Art and Design Education. 
  • Lim, K. (2022). Cultural art education in the U.S. with Virtual Reality and Metaverse. Cultural Art Education Report 2: U.S. Cultural Art Education in the Changing American Society. 
  • Lim, K., & Lee, S. (2022). Defining "belonging" in classrooms: Collected narratives from two educators in art and science at higher education institutions, The BIPOC Alliances: Building Communities and Curricula.
  • Song, B., & Lim, K. (2022). Exploring online art education: Multi-institutional perspectives and practices. International Journal of Education through Art.
  • Lim, K. (2022). Examining art education policy through policy as practice: Analysis of art teacher preparation in the United States, Korean Journal of Culture and Arts Education Studies.
  • Lim, K. (2022). Examination of how first-year college students can express emotions through art appreciation in online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Research in Art Education.
  • Lim, K. (2022). Practicing Asian-American and Pacific Islander art and culture through cultural wealth and capital theory. NAEA News, Asian Art and Culture Interest Group.
  • Lim, K., & Lee, S. (2022). Transcending physical mobility for immersive learning: Visual arts, VR technology, science, and social studies integration, Art Education.
  • Song, B., & Lim, K. (2022). Isolation, connection, and embracement: Exploring students’ perspectives on virtual art education during the pandemic. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
  • Lim, K., & Song, B. (2021). Multi-institutional implementation of digital humanities: Pedagogies for the virtual art classrooms. Global Digital Humanities Symposium Proceedings.
  • Song, B., Lim, K., & Kwon, H. (2021). Insights from three online art educators: Strategies for instruction, interaction, and assessment, Art Education.
  • Pack, K., Song, B., Lee, J., Lim, K., Kang, E., & Pack, H. (2018). Preparing educators for arts integration: Placing creativity at the center of learning. Seoul: Education & Science. (Translated Book), Original Work: Diaz, G., & McKenna, M. (Eds). (2017). Preparing educators for arts integration: Placing creativity at the center of learning. Teachers College Press.
  • Lim, K. (2017). Learner-centered education in the U.S. Education Policy Forum, Korean Educational Development Institute. 31-36.  
  • Lim, K. (2016). Immigrant, education, and arts. NAEA News, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 58(1), 32.
  • Lim, K. (2015). Teacher self-efficacy in the era of accountability. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 57(4), 24.
  • Lim, K. (2015). Art education as cultural wealth. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 57(3), 18.
  • Lim, K. (2015). World culture, local culture, and art education. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 57(1), 18.
  • Lim, K. (2014). Comparative education study and art education. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(5), 16.
  • Lim, K. (2014). Art education policy as cultural capital. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(4), 18.
  • Lim, K. (2014). How can art education use economic theories to persuade and influence policy decision makers? NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(3), 24.
  • Lim, K. (2014). How is art education policy understood? NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(1), 20.
  • Lim, K. (2013). Asian immigrant women’s emotional reflection on artworks, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education.
  • Lim, K. (2011). Creativity for the general public: Cultural policy in South Korea. InSEA: International Society for Education through Art Newsletter, 3(2), Online publication,