Lim, K., & Lee., S. (Forthcoming). Advancing Intercultural Understanding through the
Integration of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. International Journal of Education through Art.
Lim, K., & An, S. (2025). Critical teaching of war in art classrooms. Art Education.
Lim, K., & Lonsway, C. (2024). Cultural soundscape mapping: An innovative lesson for
STEAM-multisensory integrated education. Art Education.
Lim, K., & An, S. (2024). Visualizing Silenced Histories of School Segregation: Visual
Arts, Social Studies, and Drama-Integrated Lessons Using Three-Dimensional Printing.
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Lim, K., An, S. (2024). Portrait making of Indigenous Women and Women of Color suffragists
and me: Becoming antiracist art teachers through historical inquiry into the suffrage
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Li, J., & Lim, K. (2024). Teaching, bridging, learning: Changes of online art education
curriculum in the universities in China and the United States. International Conference on Education and Training Technologies.
Bain, C., Taylor, K., Song, B., Lim, K., Heller, H., Antonisse, M., Ripey, A., Fejeran,
Z., Spiers, G., Cesena, A., Becerril, C. (2024). Moving from me to we: Highlighting
collaborative research in art education. Art Education.
Song, B., & Lim, K. (2024). “Wow, she’s real!”: Re-examining pre-service art teachers’
online learning experiences. Distance Education.
Lim, K. (2024). Introducing AACIG’s curriculum resources for teaching Asian art and
culture. NAEA Newsletter, Asian Art and Culture Interest Group.
Song, B., & Lim, K. (2024). Isolation, connection, and embracement: Exploring students’
perspectives on virtual art education during the pandemic. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
Koo, A., Lim, K., & Song, B. (2024). Belonging pedagogy: Revisiting identity, culture,
and belonging through art making, Studies in Art Education.
Song, B., Lim, E., & Lim, K. (2023). The stories of teaching online art education
during the times of transitions and challenges, Art Education.
Lim, K., & Lee, S. (2022). Science and visual integrated curriculum through virtual
reality mediated system education, European Congress Qualitative Inquiry 2022 Proceedings.
Lim, K., & Song, B. (2022). Analysis of multi-layered assessment design for online
art classes using grounded theory, European Congress Qualitative Inquiry 2022 Proceedings.
Lim, K. (2022). Expanding multimodal artistic expression and appreciation methods
through integrating Augmented Reality: Immersive learning in art and science integration,
The International Journal of Art and Design Education.
Lim, K. (2022). Cultural art education in the U.S. with Virtual Reality and Metaverse.
Cultural Art Education Report 2: U.S. Cultural Art Education in the Changing American
Lim, K., & Lee, S. (2022). Defining "belonging" in classrooms: Collected narratives
from two educators in art and science at higher education institutions, The BIPOC Alliances: Building Communities and Curricula.
Song, B., & Lim, K. (2022). Exploring online art education: Multi-institutional perspectives
and practices. International Journal of Education through Art.
Lim, K. (2022). Examining art education policy through policy as practice: Analysis
of art teacher preparation in the United States, Korean Journal of Culture and Arts Education Studies.
Lim, K. (2022). Examination of how first-year college students can express emotions
through art appreciation in online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Research in Art Education.
Lim, K. (2022). Practicing Asian-American and Pacific Islander art and culture through
cultural wealth and capital theory. NAEA News, Asian Art and Culture Interest Group.
Lim, K., & Lee, S. (2022). Transcending physical mobility for immersive learning:
Visual arts, VR technology, science, and social studies integration, Art Education.
Song, B., & Lim, K. (2022). Isolation, connection, and embracement: Exploring students’
perspectives on virtual art education during the pandemic. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
Lim, K., & Song, B. (2021). Multi-institutional implementation of digital humanities:
Pedagogies for the virtual art classrooms. Global Digital Humanities Symposium Proceedings.
Song, B., Lim, K., & Kwon, H. (2021). Insights from three online art educators: Strategies
for instruction, interaction, and assessment, Art Education.
Pack, K., Song, B., Lee, J., Lim, K., Kang, E., & Pack, H. (2018). Preparing educators for arts integration: Placing creativity at the center of learning. Seoul: Education & Science. (Translated Book), Original Work: Diaz, G., & McKenna,
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the center of learning. Teachers College Press.
Lim, K. (2017). Learner-centered education in the U.S. Education Policy Forum, Korean Educational Development Institute. 31-36.
Lim, K. (2016). Immigrant, education, and arts. NAEA News, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 58(1), 32.
Lim, K. (2015). Teacher self-efficacy in the era of accountability. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 57(4), 24.
Lim, K. (2015). Art education as cultural wealth. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 57(3), 18.
Lim, K. (2015). World culture, local culture, and art education. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 57(1), 18.
Lim, K. (2014). Comparative education study and art education. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(5), 16.
Lim, K. (2014). Art education policy as cultural capital. NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(4), 18.
Lim, K. (2014). How can art education use economic theories to persuade and influence
policy decision makers? NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(3), 24.
Lim, K. (2014). How is art education policy understood? NAEA Newsletter, Public Policy and Arts Administration (PPAA) SIG, 56(1), 20.
Lim, K. (2013). Asian immigrant women’s emotional reflection on artworks, Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education.
Lim, K. (2011). Creativity for the general public: Cultural policy in South Korea.
InSEA: International Society for Education through Art Newsletter, 3(2), Online publication,