
Critical Articles:

“Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Biography: Universality Beneath the Form.” 29th Annu-
al International Conference on Virginia Woolf Proceedings. Forthcoming.

Ann Patchett’s Run and James Joyce’s “The Dead”: A Call to Action, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 22 November 2020. DOI: 10.1080/0895769X.2020.1844557 Patchett's Run and Joyce" "The Dead": A Call to Action

“Beneath the Performance: Identity in Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Miss Brill’ and Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Biography” in Tinakori: Critical Journal of the Katherine Mansfield Society, 2, June 2018, pp, 34-42 "Beneath the Performance(Page 34)

“Joyce Carol Oates and William Wordsworth: Romanticism in I Lock the Door Upon Myself in The Explicator 52 (1) Fall 1993.

Creative Writing


“Smiles in the Fog”; “Sundays and Shadows”; “Lakeview Cemetery.” Inscape. June 2020.Inscape

 “Genetic Weight.” Change Seven Magazine. Winter 2020. "Genetic Weight" Genetic Weight

“Early Pregnancy Test on the Vernal Equinox.” Inlandia: A Literary Journey. Fall 2019. Early Pregnancy Test on the Vernal Equinox

“Hibernation.” Vitamin ZZZ: 40 Winks. February, 2019. Hibernation

“What We Find Along The Way” in Surprised by Joy: A Wising Up Anthology. Charles D. Brockett & Heather Tosteson, Eds. Wising Up P, 2018.

“Smoking Cigars.” Postcard Poems and Prose. June 2017 Smoking Cigars

“Night Hike” and “Road Trip: Indiana Dunes National Seashore.” Parks and Points. April 2017. Road Trip Night Hike

“Invitations.” Apeiron Review. April 2017. Invitations(page 72)

“My Grandmother’s Funeral” in Just A Little More Time: 56 Writers on Loss and Love. Corbin Lewars, editor. March 2017.

“Devin’s Fever”; “Awkward Dances in the Cold”; Baby Teeth.” Fredericksburg Literary and Art Review. Fall 2016. Three by Kristin Bryant Rajan (pages 118-19).

Short Stories:

“Tiger Lily.” Iowa State University Writer’s Guild Anthology. November 2017.

Creative Nonfiction:

“Eight Candles in September.” Watershed Review. Fall 2015. 2016 Pushcart Nomination. 2016 Best of the Net Nomination Eight Candles in September


Conference Presentations and Workshops

“Awakening to Happiness” for CIFAL Atlanta. via Zoom. October 26, 2020: Awakening to Happiness CIFAL

 “Awakening to Happiness: The Gifts in the Present.” 2020 Contemplative Practices in Higher Education Conference. Blacksburg, VA. March 2020.

“Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Biography: Universality Beneath the Form” at The 29th International Virginia Woolf Conference, Cincinnati, OH, June 2019.

“Meditation and Mindful Writing in Higher Education.” Presented at the 2019 Contemplative Practices for Higher Education Conference. Harrisonburg, VA. March 2019.

“Snow in James Joyce’s “The Dead” and Ann Patchett’s Run: A Call to Action.” Presented at the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association Conference. Boston, MA. November 2018.

“James Joyce: Narrative Structures and Structures of Self” at the Midwest Modern Language Conference, November, 1998.

“Costuming the Self in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando: A Biography” at the 8th Annual Graduate Student Conference on Language and Literature, February, 1998.

“Creation of Story, Creation of Self in James Joyce’s Dubliners” in The International Short Story Conference Proceedings. May, 1997.

“Symbolic Roles and Essential Identity: Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and the Construction of Gender” at The Central New York Conference on Language and Literature, October, 1996.

