Research & Publications


  • Post Doc Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Georgia Tech Research Institute Consultant
  • Selected publications indicating outcomes of Research


Meadati, P., Bali, S, and Siddiqi, K., (2024). Design Requirements for Energy Efficient Buildings and their Effectiveness, accepted in the Fourteenth Construction in the Twenty First Century Conference held at Rio De Janeiro Brazil September 2-5, 2024. The conference was jointly organized by is jointly organized by University of Wolverhampton UK and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil. 

Meadati, P., Juneja, P Siddiqi, K., and Hayath, A. (2024). Learning Concrete Formwork Using 3D Simulation Game, accepted in the Fourteenth Construction in the Twenty First Century Conference held at Rio De Janeiro Brazil September 2-5, 2024. The conference was jointly organized by is jointly organized by University of Wolverhampton UK and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil. 

Siddiqi, K., and Daniel Branham (2023). Profitable Development of Floodplain Parcels, published  in the Conference Proceedings of Construction in the Twenty First Century Conference held at Arnhem, Netherlands May 8-11, 2023. The conference was organized by HAN University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands.

Siddiqi, K., and Asuquo, M. (2022) Best Practices for Reducing Construction Accidents involving Hispanic Construction Workers, The Professional Constructor, Journal of The American Institute of Constructors, Fall 2022 Edition. 

Siddiqi, K., and Hayath Aslam (2022). Design Error Costs in Commercial Construction Projects: The US Perspective, published at Construction in the Twenty First Century Conference held at Amman, Jordan May 16-19, 2022. The conference was organized jointly by Auburn University, and East Carolina University.

Siddiqi, K. and Mengistu, M. (2022). Delivery Method for Rapid Bridge Construction, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 58th Annual International Conference April 20-23, Atlanta Georgia organized jointly by Georgia Institute of Technology and Kennesaw State University. 

Siddiqi, K. and Franco, J. (2021). Subcontractor Payment Clause Comparison: Northeast versus Southeast States, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 57th Annual International Conference April 5-9, 2021 ASC Virtual Conference organized by the California State University Chico.  

Siddiqi, K., and Kol, Enes (2019). Benchmarking Project Manager Compensation, published at Construction in the Twenty First Century Conference held at RICS Headquarters London UK September 9-11, 2019. The conference was organized jointly by Auburn University, University of Wolverhampton, Western Carolina University, East Carolina University North Carolina and Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Siddiqi, K. and Reyes, G. (2019). Construction Document Management Sharing, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 55th Annual International Conference April 10-13, Denver Colarado organized by the University of Denver. 

Siddiqi, K., and Chatham, K. (2018). Revitalization of Housing and Urban Properties Decision Support System, published in the Proceedings of Associated School of Facility Management Colloquium, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, IFMA World Workplace 2018.

 Siddiqi, K., and O’Connor, H. (2018).  Impact of Lean Principles on Timely Project Completion, published at Construction in the Twenty First Century Conference held at Colombo Sri Lanka July 2-4, 2018. The conference was organized jointly by Auburn University, University of Wolverhampton, Ceylon Institute of Builders, University of Moratuwa, City University of Science and Information Technology, Western Carolina University, Florida International University, and East Carolina University North Carolina.

Siddiqi, K., and Woldemichael, A.G., (2018). Union Electrical Workers are not Against Prefabrication, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 54th Annual International Conference April 18-21, 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota organized by University of Minnesota.

 Siddiqi, K., and Mahdi, L.F., (2018). Barriers to the Net Zero Housing in the US, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 54th Annual International Conference April 18-21, 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota organized by University of Minnesota.

 Siddiqi, K., and Gunjan, G. (2018). Earthcraft Homes Costs more than Conventional Homes, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 54th Annual International Conference April 18-21, 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota organized by University of Minnesota.

 Siddiqi, K., Stockbridge, C., and Jollay, T. (2018). Best Practices for Attracting and Retaining Female Construction Project Managers, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 54th Annual International Conference April 18-21, 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota organized by University of Minnesota.

Siddiqi, K., and Templeman, A. (2017). Risks for Facility Managers in Design-build Projects, published at the International Journal of Facility Management Education and Research IFMA World Workplace 2017 Conference Proceedings held in Houston, Texas October 17– 19, 2017.

Siddiqi, K., and Franco, J. (2017). Payment Clauses for Subcontractors Vary with States, published in Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction 53rd Annual International Conference April 5-8, 2017, Seattle, Washington organized by University of Washington and Washington State University.

Siddiqi, K., and Flint, S. (2016).  Energy Usage and Critical Occupant Behaviors in LEED Rated Office Buildings, published at the International Journal of Facility Management Association’s World Workplace 2016 in San Diego, California October 5 – 7, 2016. The paper is part of peer-reviewed IFMA WWP 2016 Conference Proceedings of Academic and Research Track.

Siddiqi, K., and Vitale, J. (2016). The Feasibility of Asphalt Pavement Rejuvenator Applications, published in the Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) 52nd Annual International Conference organized by Brigham Young University – April 13-16, 2016, Provo Utah.

Siddiqi, K., and Komal, P. (2016). Real-Time Interactive Simulation: Framework to Facilitate Application during Design Stage, published in the Proceedings of Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) 52nd Annual International Conference organized by Brigham Young University – April 13-16, 2016, Provo Utah.

Siddiqi, K., and Hunt, A. (2015).  Construction Claims: Impact of Defective Construction on Long-term Facility Maintenance Costs, published in the International Journal of Facility Management – volume 6, issue 1 (2015).  World Workplace Conference in Denver, Colorado October 7 – 9, 2015

Siddiqi, K., and Franco, J. (2015).  Construction Subcontractor Pay When Paid and Pay If Paid Language Enforceability Comparisons among South Eastern United States, published in Proceedings of ASC 51th Annual International Conference held in conjunction with the CIB Workgroup 89 organized by Virginia Polytechnic – April 22-25, 2015, College Station, Texas organized by Texas A&M University. 

Siddiqi, K., and Adekanmbi, A. (2015).  CSI Division Cost Leader in Change Order for Franchise Hotel Construction, published in the Proceedings of Eight International Conference Construction in the Twenty First Century Thessaloniki Greece May 27-30, 2015. The conference is being organized jointly by Florida International University Miami Florida, Auburn University Alabama, East Carolina University North Carolina, and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece.

Siddiqi, K., and Roberts, S. (2014).  Energy Management Impacts on Asset Value, published in 2014 Construction Research Congress Proceedings organized by the Construction Research Council of ASCE Construction Institute, held at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia May 19-21, 2014.  

Siddiqi, K., and McMullen, B. (2014).  Primary Attributes of Job Retainage for Architects, published in Proceedings of ASC 50th Annual International Conference held in conjunction with the CIB Workgroup 89 organized by Virginia Polytechnic – March 26-28, 2014 at Washington DC.

Siddiqi, K., and Shaw, L. (2013).  The Cost Impact of LEED-NC v3.0 Minimum Energy Performance Prerequisite 2 on Warehouse Design, published in Annual Meeting Proceedings of American Association of Cost Engineers International Annual Meeting in Washington DC June 30 through Wednesday, July 3 2013.

Siddiqi, K., and Stephens, J. (2013).  LEED Rating Systems for Historical Restorations, published in Proceedings of ASC 49th Annual International Conference held in conjunction with the CIB Workgroup 89 - April 9-13, 2013 at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California.    

Siddiqi, K., and Morton, M. (2013) Identifying Causes of Cost-Overruns in Public Projects, The Professional Constructor, Journal of The American Institute of Constructors, Volume 37 Number 01 April 2013 (Pages 26-31).

Siddiqi K., Abaza, H., Zoran, A., Grifton, and P. (2013) Monitoring Project Progress: Project Managers’ Perspective, accepted for publication MS 14-01-A290 in the International Journal of Construction Project Management, Nova Science Publishers Inc. New York USA ISSN: 1944-1436

Al-Ateeq, S., Siddiqi, K.., and Barham,  W. (2012). Women Satisfaction in the Construction Industry, published in the Proceedings of  Fourth National Polytechnic Summit 2012, Marietta, Georgia USA June 6-8, 2012. The summit was hosted by Southern Polytechnic State University.

Siddiqi, K., and Coleman, T.  (2012).  Pitfalls in Estimating Siding for large Projects , accepted for publication in the Proceedings of Third International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC-III, 2012) which is scheduled in Bangkok, Thailand July 4-6, 2012. The conference is being organized jointly by Florida International University Miami Florida, Auburn University Alabama, East Carolina University North Carolina, and NED University of Engineering and Technology Pakistan.

El-Itr, Z. and Siddiqi, K. (2011). The Current Bidding Environment of Commercial Construction Projects in Atlanta Georgia, published in the Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITCVI ) Construction Challenges in the New Decade , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia July 5-7, 2011. The international conference was jointly organized by the Department of Construction Management at East Carolina University (ECU) in Greenville, North Carolina USA, the Faculty of Architecture, Surveying & Planning at the Unirversiti Technologi Mara (UiTM) in Selangor, Malaysia and the Department of Construction Management at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida USA.

Siddiqi, K. and Ezenwa Uzoho. (2011). Indoor Air Quality Impacts on HVAC Costs , published in the Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITCVI ) Construction Challenges in the New Decade , Kuala Lumpur Malaysia July 5-7, 2011. The international conference was jointly organized by the Department of Construction Management at East Carolina University (ECU) in Greenville, North Carolina USA, the Faculty of Architecture, Surveying & Planning at the Unirversiti Technologi Mara (UiTM) in Selangor, Malaysia and the Department of Construction Management at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami, Florida USA.

Siddiqi, K. Daniela Tzviatkova Arsic, and Zuhair El-Itr (2010).  Value Engineering Impact on Change Order Rate, published in the Proceedings of Second International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries (ICCIDC-II, 2010) which was held in Cairo, Egypt August 3-5, 2010. The conference was organized jointly by Florida International University Miami Florida, NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi Pakistan, and MSM Misr for Services and Maintenance Construction Engineering Services, Cairo Egypt.

Siddiqi, K., Tendean, R.M., and El-Itr, Z. (2010).  Improving Project Document Coordination: Web Based Systems, published in Proceedings of 46th ASC Annual International Conference held in conjunction with the CIB Work Group 89 at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston Massachusetts from April 7-10, 2010.

Siddiqi, K. and Cristy Heath.  (2009).  Claims Reduction Strategies in Condo Construction, published in the Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC III ) “Collaboration and Integration in Engineering, Management and Technology”20-22 May 2009, Istanbul Turkey.

Siddiqi, K. and Michael G. Sauer. (2009). Incentives for Green Residential Construction, published in the Proceedings of ASCE 2009 Construction Research Congress, scheduled for April 4 – 7 2009, Seattle , Washington.

Siddiqi, K. and J. Glenn. (2008). Recycling Stormwater in Commercial Buildings, published in the Proceedings of Solid Waste Management – Focusing on Sustainability Leadership Through Sustainable Innovation Conference, held from 29 – 30 May 2008, San Francisco , California.

Siddiqi, K., Chatman, D., and Cook, G. (2008).  Role of Education and Industry towards more Sustainable Construction, published in the International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management IJETM V8 N2-3 2008 issue

Siddiqi, K., and Jambro, J. (2008). Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills in Undergraduate Construction Management Curriculum, published in Proceedings of 44th ASC Annual International Conference at Auburn, Alabama from April 2-5, 2008 

Siddiqi, K., Guidry B., El-Itr, Z. (2007) Earthcraft Homes: Capital versus Recurring Costs, published in the in the Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC IV) “Accelerating Innovation in Engineering, Management and Technology”, July 11-13, 2007, Gold Coast, Australia

Siddiqi, K., and Thompson, P. (2007) Best Practices for Improving Safety among Hispanic Construction Workers, published in Proceedings of 43rd ASC Annual International Conference, Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, April 12-14, 2007.

Siddiqi, K., and Blankinship, B. (2007)  Marketing Program Management Services, published in the conference proceedings of Fifth LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology “Developing Entrepreneurial Engineers for the Sustainable Growth of Latin America and the Caribbean: Education, Innovation, Technology and Practice”29 May  – 1 June  2007, Tampico, México.

Siddiqi, K, and May, A. (2006). The Contingent Payment Provision Puzzle -- Safeguarding against an Unintended Outcome, published in June 8, 2006 in ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering.

Siddiqi, K. and Akinhanmi A. (2006).  Managing Delays Caused by Differing Site Conditions, published in the Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers 2006 Architectural Engineering Conference: Building Integration Solutions, April 2-4, 2006 Omaha Nebraska.

Siddiqi, K. and D. Chatman. (2006). Benchmarking Construction Management Programs for Sustainable Construction Courses,  published in the Proceedings of Solid Waste Sustainability Summit and Information Exchange Conference, 26 - 28 April, 2006, in San Francisco, California University of Pacific.

Siddiqi, K., and Thomas, K. (2006).  Bench marking Adaptive Reuse - A Case Study of Georgia, published in the International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management Volume 6 No ¾ 2006.

Siddiqi, K. and J. Irizarry. (2006). Outcomes Assessment Tools: Improving Quality of Construction Management Programs,  published in the Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Engineering Education, July, 2006, Puerto Rico, USA.

Siddiqi, K. and Wiggins, Billy.  (2005).  Cement, Fly-Ash, Metakaolin Ternary Blends: Effects on Compressive Strength of Mortars, published in the Proceedings of Third International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC III ) “Advancing Engineering, Management and Technology”15-17 September 2005, Athens Greece.

Siddiqi, K., and Ozcan, S. (2004). Construction Management Internship and Co-op Programs: Stakeholder Needs Assessment, published in the Proceedings of 40th ASC National Conference, Provo Utah, April 2004.

Siddiqi, K, and Voyton, V. (2004). Partnering: Tool for Construction Claims Reduction, published in the Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, March 2004/3.

Siddiqi, K., and Supriya Kamatkar (2004). Role of Web in Structural Engineering Firms, published in the Fourth International Conference Proceedings on Information Systems in Engineering and Construction, Cocoa Beach Florida, June 2004.

Siddiqi, K, and Mohammadian, P. (2003). Private Owner Selection Criteria for Design-Build Projects, published in American Council of Engineering Educators Annual Conference Proceedings, Nashville June 2003.

Siddiqi, K. and Brunso, T. (2003). Using Benchmarks and Metrics to Evaluate Project Delivery of Environmental Restoration Programs, published in the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers March 2003

Siddiqi, K., and Sytsma, R. P.(2003)  Cost Variances: Identification and Remediation, published in the Proceedings of Second International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC II ) “Sustainability and Innovation in Management and Technology”10-12 December, 2003, Hong Kong.

Siddiqi, K., and Elkharboutly, M.  (2003). Conversion to Metric System: Obstacles for Commercial Construction, Published in the Third International Conference Proceedings on Information Systems In Engineering and Construction, held at Cocoa Beach Florida, June 2003.

Siddiqi, K., and Wanjoga, P. (2002)  Partnering Impact On Change Orders For Mid Size Construction Projects, published in the Proceedings of Construction in 21st Century, organized by the Florida International University, Miami Florida May 23-24, 2002.

Siddiqi, K., and Dew, S. (2002).Value Engineering Benefits for Over Budget Commercial Projects, published in the Proceedings of 10th International Symposium, Construction Innovation and Global Competitiveness, CIB Joint Working Commission 65 and 55 held at University of Cincinnati Ohio.

Siddiqi, K., and Keskonis, P. (2002). Empowering Workforce to Achieve Their Maximum Potential, accepted for publication at CIB W107 Conference, Creating a Sustainable Construction Industry in the Developing Countries. Organized by the CSIR Building and Construction Technology, Pretoria South Africa, November 11-13, 2002.

Siddiqi, K., and Franklin, A.  (2002). Online Procurement in the Construction Industry, Published in the Second International Conference Proceedings on Information Systems In Engineering and Construction, Cocoa Beach Florida, June 11-13, 2002.

Siddiqi, K., (2000). Distance Education Media: Technology Assessment, published in the First International Conference Proceedings on Information Systems in Engineering and Construction, held at Cocoa Beach Florida, June 6-8, 2001.

Other Publications (Non Peer-Reviewed)

Siddiqi, K. Dorsey, R., (2001). Safety Among the Hispanic Work Force, published in the ASC Regional Conference proceedings held at Montgomery, Alabama, November, 2001.

Siddiqi, K., and Timothy Pilgrim (2000). Value Engineering Options for Over-Budget Projects, at the ASC Regional Conference held at Atlanta, Georgia, November 1-3, 2000.

Siddiqi, K., and John Lindstrom (1999).  Conceptual Estimating for General Contractors at the ASC Regional Conference held at Jacksonville, Florida in November 1999.

Siddiqi, K. et. al. (1998). A case study of inner city Brownfield Redevelopment published in the Associated Schools of Construction Regional Conference Proceedings, held at Atlanta, Georgia, November 5-7, 1998. 

Academic Honors and Scholarships

  • Awarded Gold Medal in 1978 by the N.E.D. University of Engineering & Technology for highest grade point average (First in Class), B.S. Civil Engineering university wide.

  • Merit Scholarship1978 awarded by the Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan for high scholastic achievements in the undergraduate program at N.E.D. University of Engineering and Technology.

  • Scholarship awarded by the Australian Government in 1978 to pursue master’s degree program at the Asian Institute of Technology.

Other Publications and Research

  • Siddiqi, K., and Oberle, R. (2004). Holistic Approach for Construction with Respect to Environmental Laws, published in Federal Facilities Environmental Journal January 2004.

  • Siddiqi, K., and Oberle, R. (2004). Motivation for Environmental Construction, published in Federal Facilities Environmental Journal Spring 2004.

  • Post Doctoral Research, Assessment technology for sick buildings renewal within environmental compliance constraints, National Science Foundation sponsored project, Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering October 97 to August 1998.

  • Siddiqi, K., and Gregory, R. (1997). Strategic Environmental Technology Policies Impacting the US Army's Global Readiness, Contract number DACA88-94-D-0025, publication on the research project awarded to Georgia Institute of Technology by the US Army Contracting Office, Atlanta Georgia. Research project was completed at US Army Environmental Policy Institute from January 1996 to June 1997. 

  • Siddiqi, K. (1997). Framework for Analyzing Construction Alternatives With respect to Environmental Laws, Ph.D. dissertation, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1997.

  • Siddiqi, K.M., Maldonado, F., and Martin, R. (1996). Development of academic and sustainable development covenants for land lease at Skidaway Island.  Assisted Board of Regents, University System of Georgia in collaboration with Jeff Lebow of Economic Development Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, December 1996.

  • Siddiqi, K.M., Maldonado, F., and Martin, R. (1996).  Camden County Industrial Park Development Project proposal, for Chamber of Commerce, Camden Kings Bay Area, South Georgia, December 1996.

  • Siddiqi, K., and Gregory, R. (1996).  Environmental Costing for Weapon Systems Acquisition, published in the Proceedings of Society of Cost Estimating and Analysis 1996 Conference, Orlando, Florida USA. June 25-28, 1996.

  • Siddiqi, K., et. al. (1994).  Development of Urban Indicators & Models in Karachi. Conference proceedings of Asia GIS/LIS AM/FM & Spatial Analysis Conference 28-31 March, 1994 Hong Kong.

  • Siddiqi, K. (1994).  Alternatives for financing infrastructure & local bodies. Seminar organized by National Development Financial Corporation, Lahore, Pakistan October 24, 1994 in collaboration with World Bank, federal, provincial and local governments.