Current and recent teaching (since 2007):
AMST1102 American Identities
AMST3700 American Studies: Principles and Methods
HIST3332 Social and Cultural History/AMST3770 American Cultural Productions (Topic: Atlanta Studies)
AMST7200 American Cultural Movements (Topic: U.S. Social Justice Movements, post-1945)
AMST7210 Historical Studies (Topic: Historical Studies of the 1970s U.S.)
HIST2112 U.S. since 1877 (face-to-face and online)
HIST2270/2275/3100 Intro to Themes in History (face-to-face and online)
HIST3332 Social and Cultural History (Topic: Housing, Home, and Neighborhood in the 20th Century U.S.)
HIST4499 Senior Seminar (Topic: U.S. Civil Rights Movements)