
Dr. Marino’s main research areas are neurodiversity in entrepreneurship, economic empowerment through entrepreneurship, minority entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial ecosystems, and the role of entrepreneurial orientation in firm performance.  His research includes presentations in national and international venues as well as more than 45 publications, including 24 refereed journal articles in leading academic outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of International Business, the Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. His research has been recognized with best paper awards at both the Academy of Management and the Babson Conference.  Dr. Marino currently serves as a Co-Editor on the Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth book series and as Co-Editor on a special issue of the Journal of Small Business Management.  Dr. Marino is currently the lead PI on two funded research projects.  One project is a five-year project studying factors that promote or impede the founding, growth, and survival of Black Owned Businesses in Alabama. The second project is focused on building the Benefit Corporation ecosystem in Alabama. 
