Human Factors, Operation Optimization, and Ergonomics Lab
Active Research.
Effects of cognitive workload on body behavior
Looking for participants
The purpose of this study is to determine if increases in perceived mental workload create higher levels of physical risk.
An understanding of the interaction between physical (postural risk) and perception of mental workload will lead to several practical implications in workload planning, staff scheduling, process selection, workstation, task design, training plans, among others which will create a significant positive impact on workers’ health and therefore on public health.
You will be asked to perform an activity that emulates the insertion of a nasogastric tube on a maniquin.
We will tape small reflective markers to certain points on skin and clothing over your arms and torso. Special cameras will track the motion of these markers. There may be some minor discomfort when the double-sided tape is removed from skin, like pulling off a small bandage.
We will also collect saliva samples before, during and after the experiment. These samples will be used to estimate cortisol levels as a measure of stress.
Cameras in the facility will videotape you. We will use the videotapes to conduct ergonomic analysis. The videos are going to be recorded in a manner that is not possible to identify directly or through identifiers linked to you.
You will fill out three questionnaires, the NASA-TLX, the SURG-TLX, and VAS which are multidimensional scale questionnaires designed to obtain information about the workload experienced when you perform the activities. You also will fill out the big five personality traits questionnaire that will give us information about your personality type.
The total time of the experiment will be approximately 1.5 – 2 hours.
Participants will receive a $20 gift card for their participation.
Dr. Valentina Nino ( - Principal Investigator
Dr. Doreen Wagner - Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Mark Geil - Co-Principal Investigator
If you wish to participate in the study, please fill out the survey:
Published Papers
Nino, V., Martinez K., Gomez K., Claudio D. (2021). Improving the registration process in a healthcare facility with lean principles. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14(3), 538-551. doi:
Valladares, L., Nino V., Martinez, K., Sobek D., Claudio D., Moyce S. (2022). Optimizing Patient Flow, Capacity, ad Performance of COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering.
Nino, V., Martinez K., Gomez K., Claudio D. (2021). Improving the registration process in a healthcare facility with lean principles. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14(3), 538-551. doi:
Cosgriff, V., Claudio, D., Nino, V., Valladares, L. (2021). An Agile Standardized Work Procedure for Cleaning the Operating Room. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14 (4), 701-717. Doi:
- Nino, V., Solar, V., Marquez, M. (2021). Ergonomics in a Craft Brewery in Chile: A case study. In Proceedings of the 2021 IISE Annual Conference.
Nino, V., Claudio, D., Schiel, C., Bellows, B. (2020) Coupling Wearable Devices and Decision Theory in the United States Emergency Department Triage Process: A Narrative Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17, 9561.
Nino, V., Claudio, D., Valladares, L., Harris, S. (2020) An Enhanced Kaizen Event in a Sterile Processing Department of a Rural Hospital: A Case Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17, 8748.
Nino, L., Marchar, F., & Claudio, D. (2020) Physical and Mental Workload Interactions in a Sterile Processing Department. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 76, 102902.
Harris, S., Nino, L., Claudio, D. (2020) A statistical comparison between different multicriteria scaling and weighting combinations. International Journal of Industrial and Operation Research.
Nino, V., Schiel C., Bellows, B., Claudio D. (2020) Wearable Devices and Decision Theory in the Emergency Triage Process. In Proceedings of the 2020 IISE Annual Conference.
Nino, V., Harris, S., & Claudio, D. (2020). Overcoming the Challenges Imposed by Having a Central Registration Process. In Proceedings of the 2020 Engineering Lean and Six Sigma Conference. Florida, USA. Honorable Mention.
Nino, V., Schiel C., Bellows, B., Claudio D. (2020) Saving Patient Lives through the Use of Wearable Devices and Decision Theory in the Emergency Department. HFES 2020 International Symposium of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care.
Nino, V., Marchak, F., & Claudio, D. (2019). Association Between Perceived Workload and Adverse Body Posture. In Proceedings of the International Symposium of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care (Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 182-186). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Nino, L., Harris, S. P., Claudio, D. (2016). A simulation of variability-oriented sequencing rules on block surgical scheduling. In Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 2030-2040). IEEE.
Márquez, M. and Niño, L. (2008) Proposal for Improvement the Quality of Teaching in the Subject Engineering of the Production I. Revista Científica UNET, 20(1), 41-50.
Márquez, M., Niño, L., Madriz, D. and Castillo, M. (2006) Diagnostic of the Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises of the Tachira State under the Norm COVENIN 1980-89. Revista Científica UNET, 18(1), 55-64.
Niño, L., Madriz, D., Márquez, M., and Castillo, M. (2006) Generation of Alternatives of Development of the Potential Sectors for the Cordoba Municipality, through the Approach of the Logical Framework. Case: Vega Grande Village. Revista FACES, 17(1), 43-59.
Madriz, D., Castillo, E., Márquez, M., Niño, L., Molina, J., Moreno, M. and Quiroz, Y. (2006) Management Diagnostic of Tachira SME: Puente Real – La Ermita and Santa Ana – Rubio – Capacho Zones. Revista Científica UNET, 18 (1), 41-54.
Madriz, D., Castillo, E., Márquez, M., Niño, V., & Parra, M. (2006). Potential Development Axis in the Municipalities of Rafael Urdaneta and Junin, State of Tachira, Venezuela. Cayapa. Revista Venezolana de Economía Social, 6(11).
Madriz, D., Ruíz, B., Castillo, E., Niño, L., Márquez, M. and Parra, M. (2005) Potential Sectors of Production of the Tachira State, Venezuela. Revista Científica UNET, 17(1), 11-32.