M.F.A University of Colorado, 2003
Performance and Choreography
Somatic Concentration Certificate, emphasis on the Alexander Technique and Modern Dance Pedagogy.
Thesis: Beyond Mythos ritualized performance in choreography.
B.F.A. Arizona State University, 1999
Dance and Choreography
Magna cum Laude
- GYROKINESIS® Certification, GYROTONIC Muenstertal, Muenstertal, Germany, April 2019.
- A.T.I Alexander Technique Certification, Chesapeake Bay Alexander Studies, Greensboro, NC, 2011.
- R.Y.I Shambhava School of Yoga, Hatha Yoga Level #2 Teacher Certification,
- Eldorado Mountain Yoga Ashram Boulder, CO, 2003.
- R.Y.I Shambhava School of Yoga, Hatha Yoga, 200 Hour Level #1 Teacher Certification, Eldorado Mountain Yoga Ashram Boulder, CO, 2002.
- Reiki Certification, Usui System of Reiki Teaching, Boulder, CO, 2001.