Maia Hallward

I am a Professor of Middle East Politics and Chief Editor of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, a triannual peer-reviewed journal at the nexus of peacebuilding and development. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in topics including Middle East Politics, Conflict Theory and Analysis, International Conflict Management, Nonviolence, International Relations, and Post-agreement Reconstruction.

I have authored or co-authored five books, including Transnational Activism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict  (Palgrave Macmillan 2013), Struggling for a Just Peace: Israeli and Palestinian Activism in the Second Intifada (University of Florida Press 2011) and Understanding Nonviolence (Polity Press 2015), with Julie M. Norman. I am currently working on two book projects with Charity Butcher, one exploring the differences and similarities between religious and secular human rights groups, and a textbook on International Conflict Management.
