

Displacement-based seismic design of structures using equivalent linear system parameters” — a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at Syracuse University, December 2006, UMI Dissertation Services, Microform 3251782. (Advisor: Eric M. Lui)


Book Chapters

  1. Lui E.M. and Oguzmert M., Structural Analysis, Chapter 28, The Engineering Handbook, 2nd edition, CRC Press, 2004.


Journal Articles

  1. Lui      E.M., Liu Y., and Oguzmert M., "Effects of Diaphragm Spacing and      Stiffness on the Dynamic Behavior of Curved Steel Bridges", Steel Structures, 6, 2006, pp.      163-174
  2. Oguzmert      M. and Lui E.M., “Seismic Design of Inelastic Structures using Equivalent      Linear System Parameters – Derivation and Comparison,” IES Journal Part A: Civil and      Structural Engineering, Volume 4, No: 2, May 2011.
  3. Oguzmert      M. and Lui E.M., “Seismic Design of Inelastic Structures using Equivalent      Linear System Parameters – Application and Verification, ”IES Journal Part A: Civil and      Structural Engineering, Volume 4, No: 2, May 2011.

Conference Articles

  1. Skokan M.J., Huang S., Islam S., and Oguzmert M., “Seismic Retrofit of a City Hall Using Buckling Restrained Braces Based on Nonlinear Analyses Including Soil-Structure Interaction”, (2010), 9th U.S. National & 10th Canadian Conference on EQ Engineering, Toronto, ON
  2. Islam S., Huang S., Skokan M.J., and Oguzmert M., “MGMCITYCENTER - A City Within a City: Peer Review Lessons Learned” (2009), 2009 SEAOC Convention, San Diego, CA.
  3. Islam S., Huang S., Skokan M.J., and Oguzmert M., “Buckling Restrained Brace Frame Applications for the Seismic Retrofit of Existing Buildings – U.S. case studies” (2008), 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China
  4. Huang S., Skokan M.J., Islam S., Oguzmert M., Cranmer R., and Caraig G. (2007) “Hi-Tech Seismic Retrofit Solutions Compared for a PublicAdministrationBuilding,” 2007 ASCE Structures Congress Proceedings, Long Beach, CA
  5. Oguzmert M. and Guney D., “The Investigation of the Dynamic Behavior of Historical Masonry Minarets", (2007) Studies on Historical Heritage (SHH07), ID-F-19, Antalya, Turkey