Nikolaos Kidonakis

Νικόλαος Κυδωνάκης

HeadshotProfessor of Physics
University Distinguished Professor

Ph.D. 1996 State University of New York at Stony Brook
MASt 1991 University of Cambridge
B.S.    1990 California Institute of Technology

Curriculum Vitae

I am a theoretical particle physicist and Professor of Physics. I was ranked No. 1 in the world in fundamental physics since 2010 in a bibliometric study on all four metrics of individual citations, paper rank, author rank, and citation-coin. I was also listed among the top authors since 2000, and also No. 1 in paper rank for authors with first paper in the hep-ph arXiv since 1993. 

I received the KSU 2008 Distinguished Scholarship Award, the 2014 Distinguished Research and Creative Activity Award, the 2006, 2008, 2012, and 2014 Foundation Prizes, the 2016 Outstanding Research Award, and the 2020 University Distinguished Professor Award.

Interviews at KSU (video & transcripts)


My research is in theoretical high-energy particle physics, mainly in top quark physics, top-antitop pair and single-top production, Higgs, W and Z production, perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, soft-gluon resummation, higher-loop calculations of soft anomalous dimensions, and higher-order corrections for processes at high-energy colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). 
My research has been funded for many years with grants from the National Science Foundation, it has supported student and postdoctoral researchers, and it has been featured numerous times in the media. I am the founder and leader of the theoretical particle physics group at KSU.


I have 171 physics research publications, most of them single-authored, which have received over sixteen thousand citations. My papers (mostly the single-authored ones) have appeared over fifty times among the top-cited particle-physics papers in all-time lists and annual lists since 2005. I have the highest number of single-authored top-cited research papers in the hep-ph arXiv. My research papers can be found in my cv and, with citations, in the INSPIRE HEP database and in Google Scholar. I have given over a hundred and seventy research talks in conferences, universities, and national/international laboratories in numerous countries on five continents. 

Physics Courses

Fall 2024: PHYS 4500 Relativistic Quantum Fields and Particles

Directed Study: PHYS 4400 Theoretical Particle Physics

past courses: Quantum Mechanics, Introductory Physics, Principles of Physics, Modern Physics, Classical Mechanics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity, Mathematical Physics, The Standard Model and beyond

Particle Physics Links

e-print arXiv 
Review of Particle Physics 
The Particle Adventure 
Particle Theory Group at KSU
ATLAS and CMS top quark results 
