Novonil Sen, Ph.D., P.E.
(This page has been last updated on January 13th, 2025)
Dr. Novonil Sen is a Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Kennesaw State University (KSU). Dr. Sen earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arizona. Thereafter, he worked as a Postdoctoral Scholar at Tufts University, and later as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stevens Institute of Technology. Following this, Dr. Sen held the position of a Term Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota Duluth before taking on his role at KSU.
Dr. Sen carries out research in (a) ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation and (b) earthquake engineering. In the area of ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation, he develops methodologies to perform acoustic source localization in anisotropic structures. In the area of earthquake engineering, his focus is on developing linear-response-based approaches to quantifying seismic damage in structures. His full publication list is available on Google Scholar, and is also provided under the "Research" tab on this page.
Dr. Sen's teaching interests include courses related to machine design, finite element method, engineering mechanics (dynamics and statics), strength of materials, continuum mechanics, structural analysis, structural dynamics, design of steel structures, engineering mathematics, numerical methods, wave propagation in solids, random vibrations, design optimization and probabilistic design. In Spring 2025, he is teaching one section of Machine Design (ME 4141) and three sections of Computer Aided Engineering (ME 4250). Dr. Sen's select teaching experience is listed under the "Courses" tab on this page.
Dr. Sen is a licensed Professional Engineer (P.E.) in three States: Georgia (License No. PE051574), Arizona (License No. 76404), and Minnesota (License No. 60919).
Some major honors and awards received by Dr. Sen thus far include:
- Outstanding Graduate Student in Mechanical Engineering (Awarded by the University of Arizona in 2020)
- Theodor H. Troller Memorial Scholarship (Awarded by the University of Arizona in 2018)
- Professor Adidam Sri Ranga Sai Memorial Gold Medal (Awarded by Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2015 for best academic performance in M.Tech. in Civil Engineering with a specialization of Structural Engineering)
As part of his professional service, Dr. Sen regularly serves as a reviewer for journals such as Ultrasonics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Structural Health Monitoring, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, Journal of Materials Science, Photonic Sensors, and Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation.