
Dr. Sen's research is in (a) ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation, and (b) earthquake engineering. Following is a list of his publications:

Refereed Journal Publications

  • Alnuaimi, H., U. Amjad, N. Sen and T. Kundu (2024). A note on performance assessment of signal energy-based acoustic source localization in a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer plate, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems (ASME), 7(1), 014501.
  • Sen, N. (2023). On propagation of material property uncertainty through signal energy-based acoustic source localization in an orthotropic plate, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems (ASME), 6(3), 031001.
  • Sen, N. and T. Kundu (2022). A new signal energy-based approach to acoustic source localization in orthotropic plates: A numerical study, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 171, 108843.
  • Sen, N., T. Kundu and S. Missoum (2022). A note on the effect of material uncertainty on acoustic source localization error in anisotropic plates, Ultrasonics, 119, 106623.
  • Sen, N., M. Gawronski, P. Packo, T. Uhl and T. Kundu (2021). Square-shaped sensor clusters for acoustic source localization in anisotropic plates by wave front shape-based approach, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 153, 107489.
  • Sen, N. and T. Kundu (2020). Acoustic source localization in a highly anisotropic plate with unknown orientation of its axes of symmetry and material properties with numerical verification, Ultrasonics, 100, 105977.
  • Sen, N. and T. Kundu (2018). A new wave front shape-based approach for acoustic source localization in an anisotropic plate without knowing its material properties, Ultrasonics, 87, 20-32.
  • Sen, N. and V.K. Gupta (2018). On estimation of seismic damage from ductility and hysteretic energy demands in equivalent oscillators using linear response, Engineering Structures, 172, 663-686.

Conference Proceedings

  • Sen, N., M. Gawronski, P. Packo, T. Uhl and T. Kundu (2019). Acoustic source localization in anisotropic plates without knowing their material properties: an experimental investigation, Proc. SPIE 10972, Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems XIII, 1097224.