Sandee Chamberlain

Chamberlain - Bio Picture

Assistant Professor of Animation & Illustration
Coordinator of Digital Animation

Sandee M. Chamberlain grew up in Southern California and obtained her BFA in the Entertainment Arts with a concentration in Animation at California State University, Fullerton. She has worked professionally as an Animator, Storyboard Artist, Illustrator and in Technical Direction. She moved to Atlanta, Georgia in 2007 - to attend Savannah College of Art and Design for her Master level studies in Animation (MA) and Illustration (MFA). She has been teaching at the college level for almost two decades and continues to be curious about the future of entertainment arts while keeping current with technological advances in this field of study. Sandee has always had a fascination with moving imagery and has a passion for teaching commercial arts. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Animation & Illustration and the Coordinator of the Digital Animation Program at Kennesaw State University in the School of Art and Design. Her work has been shown in national as well as international galleries and film festivals.

wesbsite: | instagram: @sandeescribbles