
Book-Length Translations

Figueiredo, Sergio. Inventing Comics: A New Translation of Rodolphe Töpffer’s Reflections on Graphic Storytelling, Media Rhetorics, and Aesthetic Practice. Trans. Sergio C. Figueiredo. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2017.

Cover of Inventing Comics


Edited Collections

Guglielmo, Letizia, and Sergio Figueiredo (eds.). Immigrant Scholars in Rhetoric, Composition, and Communication: Memoirs of a First Generation. NCTE Books, 2019.

Cover of Immigrant Scholars in Rhetoric, Composition, and Communication

Essays (Peer-Reviewed)

Figueiredo, Sergio C. “The Same as it Ever Was: Invention as the Future of Digital Rhetorics.” Digital Rhetoric Collaborative, Blog Carnival 14 [“Discerning Digital Rhetorics’ Futures”]. Eds. Lauren Garskie, Derek Mueller, and Jason Tham. (Oct. 2018). [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio, and S. Andrew Stowe. “Experimenting with Flash Reason, the H’MMM Disciplines, and Affect in Scattered Media Ecologies.” Textshop Experiments 5 (Aug. 2018). [Link]

Sundvall, Scott and Sergio Figueiredo. “Ulmerian Bingo Card” (Graphic Design Project). Textshop Experiments 5 (Aug. 2018). [Link]

Memmott, Talan, Davin Heckman, Claire Donato, Sergio Figueiredo Jeremy Hight, Jeff T. Johnson, Kelly Lydick, Mark Marino, Craig Saper, Orchid Tierney, and Erik Zepka. “Meme Culture, Alienation Capital, and Gestic Play.” Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge 32 (May 2017). (International Journal) [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio. “The Rhetorical Invention of Comics: A Selection of Rodolphe Töpffer’s Late Reflections on Composing Image-Text Narratives.” ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 8.4 (2016). (International Journal) [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio. “Geo-Graphic Storytelling + Kónsult Komics.” Textshop Experiments 2 (Dec. 2016). (International Journal) [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio. "Rodolphe Töpffer’s Graphic Novels: A Rhetorical Application Hegel's Aesthetics of Physiognomy." In Media Res: A Media Commons Project. Jan. 2016 (Theme: Philosophy and Media). (International Journal) [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio. “acCOMICating Science: Larry Gonick’s ‘Cartoon Guides’ as models of science textbooks in comics form.” Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies 2.1 (Jan. 2012). Web. (International Journal)

Figueiredo, Sergio. “Building Worlds for an Interactive Experience: Selecting, Organizing, and Showing Worlds of Information Through Comics.” Journal of Visual Literacy 30.1 (April 2011), 85-99. Print. (International Journal)


Essays (Editorial Review)

Figueiredo, Sergio. “The Ontology of Doodling and Everyday Image-Work.” Esthesis: An E-Mag of Art and Ideas. May 2017. Web. [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio. “Ambient Storytelling: Some Reflections on Graphic Novels and Emerging Narrative Practice.” Esthesis: An E-Mag of Art and Ideas. Jan. 2015. Web. [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio. “Rodolphe Töpffer, Comics, and the Public Arts.” Esthesis: An E-Mag of Art and Ideas. May 2015. Web. [Link]



(Interviewee) Niiler, Eric. “Why We Fall for Fake News and How to Bust It.” Seeker (Discovery Communications), Jan. 2017. [Link]

(Interviewer) Figueiredo, Sergio C. “Interview with Gregory L. Ulmer.” Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory 16.1 (Winter 2016-2017). (International Journal) [Link]

(Interviewee) Raschke, Carl. “Sequential Art and Public Scholarship.” Critical Conversations Series – Global Art and Ideas Nexus. March 2015. [Link]


Journal Editing

Stowe, S. Andrew, and Sergio Figueiredo (co-editors). Textshop Experiments 5 (August 2018). Special Issue on “Flash Reason(eon).” (International Journal) [Link]

Figueiredo, Sergio, and Victor Taylor. Journal of Cultural and Religious Theory 16.1 (Winter 2016-2017). Special Issue on “Civic Humanities.” (International Journal) [Link]